Playing Ozzy Osbourne with your pecs (Man Vs. Woman)

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48 thoughts on “Playing Ozzy Osbourne with your pecs (Man Vs. Woman)”

  1. WHO THE MOTHER F#$%&* didn't want to work from home and missed going into work? Spend that gas, toll and parking money. Then pay for overpriced food that sucks. Catch everybody else's germs and spend 10-14hrs out of your day away from any aspect of your personal life while making sure you're wardrobe still fits and you have proper work attire.

  2. So I'm the oldest of all my siblings and I have the opposite problem of the not being asked for ID. I get asked every single time without fail yet none of my siblings do. I'm almost 30…

  3. Honestly I am 26 and was a good enough kid to not try and buy alcohol before I was 21. I have never been carded for alcohol. Tobacco on the other hand, just about every single time. So it's easier to get booze than cigarettes.🙄

  4. 'we aren't allowed to be gay at this college'
    My Brothers and Sisters in Christ, you CHOSE to go to a religious school, and you almost certainly signed code of conduct agreements to gain entry to that private institution. I'm surprised you gained entry with an IQ that low.

  5. As someone in IT, that "when did you last restart this device?" "Uhhhhhhhhhh" is so relatable.

    Please, save your IT department some time and turn it off and on again. 90% of my complaints are either that or something being unplugged.

  6. "nobody who doesn't work in an office knows what this shit means"

    It doesn't mean anything. There's this entire class of people called "Business consultants" that are basically self-help gurus for companies. They're paid very well to come up with this nonsense.

  7. My little sister is 5, and I'm 24, so I accidentally joined a circle of bronies when I offered a correction in a convo I overheard.

    After discussing MLP for 5 minutes, I realized that I was discussing MLP with a bunch of other adult men, and went "ew, bronies" and walked away, which must've been a trip for them, since I inserted myself talking about it.

  8. ok no lie yesterday at work I was doing some bookkeeping, trying to track down some money that's been left out of the ledger, so that translates into protecting the bottom line through recursive auditing, a cost-effective means of asset protection which leverages our commitment to a progressive value-added market proposition – just to put it succinctly

  9. "People who don't work in offices don't know what this means."

    Henry, people who DO work in offices don't know what this means.

    This is corpospeak its a bunch of language created to remove meaning from anything you say while at the same time sounding professional and competent. You have to learn to speak this language to prove your conformity and advance. Nobody who actually does any work in an office talks like this or listens to anyone who does.

  10. I'm in a office job, but I don't think it can described as "office job" because we do actual work. It's a development department where tools for emobility charging are build and we test this stuff that it works within the standards, norms and law guidelines not killing you if you wanna charge your car.


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