[TF2] Trickstabbing is Cheating

Trickstabbing — the most elegant way to kill your opponent… Or is it? Is it really a respected skill to have? Is it even fair? Let’s find out.

My Discord Server – https://discord.gg/NnQT2GMse8

0:00 – Intro
0:14 – Recognizing the Problem
2:36 – Fixing the Problem
3:39 – The Scale of the Problem
4:24 – Credits


23 thoughts on “[TF2] Trickstabbing is Cheating”

  1. Keep the 180 radius, the HU units for rising the knife and any other shits possible not shown in this video… but the backburner and backscatter have the same radius instead the reduced 90º (? at least i guess is 90) Its the BACK isnt? So BACK it is! fair enough now, isnt? ooooh gonna cry? everything on pyro and scout is too op now? OoOoohh cry me a river!

    I NO-TI-CED the disguised spy, i'm doing a good job to keep myself facing him but naaah! all ok with this moronic mechanic let him facestab me a I.K ¬¬ and get even worse when counting ping on it, even if is just a lil variation is already enough to give a niiiiceee slice of advantage to let spy do it

  2. Why do people with little to no multiplayer game design and balancing experience want to fix or nerf everything? First "nerf sniper" then "nerf spy" what's the problem with people's mind? Can't you just enjoy the game as it is? This video screams that he got trickstabbed in a Casual game prior to this video so he decided to rant about something he probably shouldn't have

  3. I feel as though this is a problem of Source Engine lag compensation, not Spy himself. The idea is vaguely there, but poorly executed. And even with these “””fixes””” were added, the facestab problem would still exist due to ping lag compensation and ping differences. This would also vastly decrease Spy’s skill level, as now Spies don’t need to learn how to gain good movement and can only decloak. In casual where everyone’s practically braindead, this makes no difference, but against even semi-competent players it would make Spy even more useless then before. Sure, you could still try to backstab and do the usual, but if the team actually is smart and not your average casual team then you might as well go Sniper.

  4. this is an issue mainly with new players (but ive seen players from all skill ranges complain about it. *ahem*.. Unseen Unit.. *ahem*… b4nny) and it mainly come down to the default net settings being so goddamn abysmal (and the ability to avoid spies ofc), and if the setting were tweaked, the complaining would go down tenfold. Funny thing also, when an incompetent player blabbers out interp as a vague excuse, its actually THEMSELVES that have the interp, since almost any good spy will have the lowest interp possible.

    And by the claims in your video, rocket jumping, surfing, bhopping, edgebugging, uberchaining and all of the other unintended game mechanics would also be regarded as cheating. (rocekt jumping was a source engine exclusive bug that has existed since gldsrc, and has now been inherited by valve as an intentional feature)

    Also, since august 2020, 0 lerp was patched, but 500 lerp was kept? This makes no sense to me. Why would valve rather have legit backtrack, than lower interpolation? (basically, higher interp (lerp) = smoother gameplay but higher latency and vice-versa)

    please stop with the "spy has a gun, trickstabs are for last resort, learn how to play spy properly/devs intentions BS (unless if youre new you SHOULD learn the fundamentals of spy first)". What if i dont find passive or gunspy fun? what if I dont care about my worth in pubs? and when I get a kick out of playing aggressively, why should i stop? because thats not the intentional spy? good trickstabbers also use the gun frequently, ive noticed even more so if it is the l'etranger.

  5. i think another issue spy has is when hes clearly behind an enemy, and it just doesnt count as a backstab?? like, i have been in many situations where spies got the backstab on me but it just didnt count? So i also think that there should be a small window where stabs from the front also count as backstabs if the spy has been on your back for long enough. and im saying that with spy as one of my less played classes

  6. ok so by this logic players missing with hit scan weapons and it hitting anyway because client side favoring or players hitting people who ran behind walls for that same reason is “cheating” Also backstab hit boxes are fine as they are only with high ping is it an issue (100+ ping) because lag compensation. Either favor the spy and the spy gets to actually stab the back or favor the other player and deny a stab even though they technically got backstabbed. At the end of the day someone gets the short end so it might as well consistently be the client side for the sake of fairness.

  7. Look, your suggestion is already done by Valve but it will make spy the most low mobility class in the game and it cant be balance to the other so trickstab is a skill not by lag (sometime spy use cl_interp to high so yeah it should be fix) and fixing cl_interp is make trickstab become a 100% skill base (or luck)
    most of spy main must be go through these video about trickstab where is really long
    you can say that you bad at spy and being trickstab most of the time just admit it


  8. Here’s a question I have though. If trickstabs take a lot of effort to get good at then shouldn’t people who get good at it be rewarded for it? Trickstabs weren’t intended, but neither was rocket jumping when it was first invented. I feel as though trickstabs should stay in because we already saw what happened when valve tried doing something about it back like 10 years ago.

  9. considering the risk spy took before having all that trickstabbing? no, it's not cheating. by this video definition, good sniper will be considered as cheating because they can quick scoped in close combat when supposedly they're weak in close combat


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