Luke 22:31-32 MSG
Simon, stay on your toes. Satan has tried his best to separate all of you from Me, like chaff from wheat. Simon I’ve prayed for you in particular that you do not give in, give up or give out. And, when you have come through the time of testing and personal conversion, turn to your companions and give them a fresh start of New Life in Me.

Debbra shares a bit of her testimony: You see, Jesus knew on March 28, 1954, that two love birds would birth into this world a little baby girl – that like all His humanity, HE had chosen from Eternity. He knew that she would be rejected and suffer ALL kinds of abuse before she reached the age of four. He knew that she would not receive or know love despite the relationships that she would experience. HE knew however, that on October 6, 1982, she would meet A Man Named Jesus. And that, she would just lose herself to and in Him, because of the words that He spoke to her the first time she met Him. Those words were, “I will never leave you or forsake you”. I’ve held confidently on those Lifegiving, Anchoring Words ever since.

I’m sharing this with you because this same love is extended to you. Jesus so loved the world that He gave Himself (John 3:15-17). I’m reminded of a movie that’s based on a true story of an innocent man that was imprisoned for something he didn’t do, the things he suffered, and the stuff he went through to be free.

You see sin is NASTY. Jesus, Who knew no sin came down and suffered the wages of sin, being made sin for us, that by Faith, through His Gift of Exchange, we might be made The Righteousness of God in Him. He did not come to condemn mankind, but rather to save us. You and me, the young, the seniors, the babies, the rich, the poor, red, yellow, black or white we’re all precious in His sight. There’s absolutely nothing we have ever done or ever will do for Him to Love us the way He does. But, I caution you, there is one sin we can commit that’s unforgiveable and that is to blaspheme The Holy Spirit, deeming Him as unclean, (Luke 11:15 and Matt 12:30-33).

What I’m desiring to communicate to you is that, HE, Jesus, Loves YOU! I’ll close with this. There was a leading artist who performed a song that had these words, “Don’t nobody want no woman with no skinny legs”. Then he asked one of his band members, “Do you want a woman with skinny legs?” The band member said, “Yeah man, I’ll take the woman with the skinny legs”. Then the leading artist said, “There’s someone out there, somewhere, who will take the woman skinny legs and all”. With that said, now hear this Good News! God sent His One and only Son to save us all – (skinny legs and all). He receives all the whosoevers that will come unto Him by Faith (Romans 10:13). You are looking at and hearing from a whosoever. And Jesus is inviting you to come into His Kingdom, there’s plenty good room. He loves you and longs to be your Redeemer, restore you to The Father, give you New Life whereby you’ll live with Him Eternally.

Hosted by The Body of Jesus Christ Kingdom Ministries

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