Modern Women Have No GAME And Give It Up EASY If You Follow These 3 Rules

Dating does not have to be hard. Operate in this framework and you will succeed with modern women every time. Odds are you are entering situations in sub par conditions that make you play the game on hard mode. Remove the handicap and optimize by filtering for these tenets.
Time + Effort = Undefeated

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31 thoughts on “Modern Women Have No GAME And Give It Up EASY If You Follow These 3 Rules”

  1. Drop a sub boys! Only way to keep in touch when a shadow ban happens.

    YT does not play nice with anybody who highlights the hypocrisy of gynocentrism. Join our community on discord, I host weekly events with everyone there.

    Catch all those episodes and more on Spotify! Have your voice heard!

    Lastly the annoying pitch of like, comment, sub and share the video. This algo is designed to promote narratives and suppress dissent, doing so uses its negative aspects against itself, promoting the videos to new eyes. Stay safe men, have a blessed day, and know you’re not alone. See you on discord 💪

  2. I find it halarious women think they fought for some right to work. While men handled oxen tilled the feilds, women planted. While men harvested grain women seperated chaffe ground flour. While men cut wood built homes women baked bread.
    While men worked the mines, cut gems, women sold them. Handled the $.
    Since the mens work was more labor intensive women raised the kids. Young boys went out to work w the men. It was all for greater good.
    Women have worked for ever.

  3. 19:16 Many would buy it. There are those of us that look at some of the pick up and think it’s not our style. I think there are many of us who would see ourselves more in line with your type of approach and would be curious enough to see how we can benefit from it. I think it would help a lot of guys old and young.

  4. My general experience is to maintain an interesting social media presence and use the apps. In the apps, send over an interesting open ended question, build a little back and forth over that, not weeks but 3 or 4 exchanges, than ask for the date. Coffee, ice cream, something cheap and simple. Meet up, be interesting, if she's interesting, exchange numbers and setup a date to do some activity together. If you're doing the online thing, you need to move it offline in short order or move on to someone you want to take out.

    The number 1 comment I get from women is that they have endless online conversations with guys that never make a move. Be the man fellas. If you're interested ask her out.

  5. If you hate men or think we're trash unless we got 100,000 in the bank or think fighting instead of discussing like a adult. I don't care how hot or in shape you are or how much money you make or how good you are at sex, keep moving. If you treat me like shit or aren't attracted to me, you're wasting my time along with yours. Starting to see why dudes marry big girls who appreciate them.

  6. I agree if you are the exotic one in your 20s , women will hit on you hard. Even the older women around 40-50 years mistake was to settle a few times with some of them and I lost 10 years of my life. I d have preferred being invisible at this age so I would have developped myself properly. Trying to make it up now .

  7. Right here 7:52, so true man. I've land myself a lucrative career, bought a brand new motorcycle and pushed harder at the gym, became the man that women would gravitate towards. Sadly, I desired validation from women including how many were interested in me at a given time to be happy.
    It became unhealthy so fast, I was constantly bored.. losing connection and/or desire after every sexual interaction

  8. These overvalued thots are not looking for a partner. They are looking for a sponsor. Any man who falls for this nonsense is a simp. The woman you are obsessing over, you most likely won't want to spend a moment of your time with very shortly. While men were training at sports and life, women were training to manipulate men. Women cannot physically overpower men, so they have to rely on manipulation and and psychological games through training each other and magazines. It's disgusting. Patrice Oneal: If all your selling is sex, sex is all I'm buying.

  9. Chicks dig trophy guys with big money. The rest is useless babble amongst ourselves, the data is in. It's that or they are directly getting paid for sex from the highest bidder which is at least, honest.


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