Pistol Brace Fiasco | Options & What I'm Doing

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21 thoughts on “Pistol Brace Fiasco | Options & What I'm Doing”

  1. I have to believe that one of the lawsuits in progress will result in a Federal judicial injunction stopping the BATF's plan in it's tracks. That, or the Heller/2A decision meant nothing, i.e. it was just a fig leaf giving some sort of social cover to the cowering Supreme Court justices. The Roberts Court has been a milktoast, compromise court for 25 years. It seems like the soul reason that Roberts was elevated to Chief Justice by Bush, was to stop the Conservative Block led (originally) by Scalia and Thomas from accomplishing anything long lasting and meaningful. An injunction rightly protects millions of Americans from the Biden BATF's communist, extra-Constitutional overreach. Anything less, creates a list of 2A owners to target.

  2. John you might be one of a handful of people who can afford to fight a legal battle with the ATF. The greater majority will either comply or lose their home, vehicles, possessions while spending weeks or months in jail. That’s the reality, and no appeal to the humanity, honor, integrity, character of ATF or FBI gestapo agents will gain traction. We list the war at least a decade ago and those of us still hoping and fighting are too stubborn to admit it. We are beset on all sides with inequity and perversion. Thanks for the compulsory video but it will take a biblical act to save this sinking ship.

  3. Anyone taking an Oath of Office, from a small town Cop all the way up to a POTUS, that then violates said Oath is by definition a Felon. And no longer actually holds the Office that said Oath was given for,

    So any ATF "agent" attempting to violate the Constitution and your Rights has become solely a Felonious Criminal. And there is a great way to deal with them.


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