Pikaboo Checks out New Trickster Rogue Hero Talents

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Outro Song: All Fires – Don’t Say Manhattan
Edited by https://twitter.com/PlanktonED

#goldenguardians #wowpvp #pikaboo


26 thoughts on “Pikaboo Checks out New Trickster Rogue Hero Talents”

  1. How i see it, is that Blizzard is just being shamefully safe with most of these hero talent trees. Its like they sprinkle some breadcrumbs ontop of select spells for each class and then go '' here ya go, this should shake things up for you, aren't you excited ? ''

    I understand that some people would rather be conservative when it comes to the game and especially their own classes. Understandably since blizzard has had misstep after misstep when implementing really poor NEW feautures. (like Thorgast,Azerite armor, Warfronts, Covenants, etc.) But blizzard cannot just take the safe approach on everything. Yes, it was definitely the right move for dragonflight. Cause that is when the game really needed to shake off all the bad nonsense that had manifested onto the game since it derailed years ago. it was an expansion for the game to heal.

    But doing that for another expansion will lead to the game getting stale and people will lose interest in coming back.

    now we get hero talents, and thats where they have a golden opportunity to evoke excitement. This is where a healthy amount of risk is needed. how about permanent hover uptime for evokers in combat ? how about ''Rider of the apocalypse'' dk's can dps while mounted?

    I'm sure you'll find flaws in these two examples, but for the most part ; Hero Talents as they have been shown to function is not something that makes us really excited to play with. sprinkling slight passive numbers and effects that (depending on the spec) only mildly effects how we play or feel just isn't enough to be introduced as a major feature of the expansion.

  2. Can't wait to see the shaman powers… Enhance gonna be sick. We'll probably get something op like:

    Healing stream totem healing increased by 2% and when you get healed, you lose life.

    If lucky, Astral might get a buff and they remove 20% of the DMG reduction. Can't wait.

  3. 10:20 no its boring and way to micromaniging, it also addds 0 class fantasy to rogue and is just another boring talent combination that "makes u do more damage when x" wow so exiteeee, dont get me wrong its typical rogue and its good to have a good amount of that but this aint it, this was supposed to be an acendancy class not a fucking 4 talent point attachment with conditional garbage

  4. Terrible person and an even worse friends. If that's how you deal with your homies who have problems can't imagine what you're like to others. YOU are the one who needs help, and lots of it. Do better, and do it fast.


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