Pickaxe Upgrade Gets Us Deeper Underground!! – Coral Island (Early Access) – Part 13

Coral Island is a vibrant and laid-back reimagining of farm sim games. Be who you want and experience enchanting island living at your own paceβ€”live off the land, nurture animals, build relationships with a diverse cast of townsfolk, and make the world around you a more vital and harmonious place.


Coral Island website: https://www.stairwaygames.com/coral-island
Coral Island on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1158160/Coral_Island/
Coral Island on Twitter: https://twitter.com/coralislandgame

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11 thoughts on “Pickaxe Upgrade Gets Us Deeper Underground!! – Coral Island (Early Access) – Part 13”

  1. I'm afraid you can't get silver ore for a while. You have to reach level 40 on the mine you're on, that will open up the second door up top. That's the mine that has silver.

  2. I hope that poor last crop of sugarcane is there next episode since it's fully grown, also I think the sand colored mounds or rocks when your diving might be salt? Not sure but I thought I saw something pop up when you went by one.

  3. The stuff on the ground in the mine might be something you can get with a hoe, that's how it worked in SDV at least and this game seems really similar to that in a lot of ways.
    Also, passing out made you start with half stamina, maybe not the best thing before a day with much to do…

    Maybe keep smelting the copper so you have ingots ready to go for another tool upgrade? That might be a good thing to keep running permanently.

    Edit: Your bug catching sometimes doesn't work due to the 3D environment tripping you up; you swing the net "upward" while the target is "below" you because you click on the wrong spot.
    Try clicking on the ground in the actual direction of the target instead of on the "graphic" of the target itself and see if that helps. It's a common illusion due to the isometric perspective.

  4. Question, when diving have you picked up thr white-ish rocks? They always say harvest when you hover over it, but I havent seen if you've harvested it… I was thinking the sea salt you may need for the goddess??

  5. The Mine reminds me of Stardew because you are looking for holes under the rocks, and sometimes you get everything after you all at the same time. There are some really pretty places in this game thanks for it for us. πŸ πŸ¦‹πŸŒ΄πŸ‘


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