Musicians Who Left Their Bands, Only To Come Crawling Back

Spite, betrayal, and egos as big as planets — what happens when a musician makes the biggest mistake of their life?

#RockMusic #Bands #Songs

Vince Neil | 0:00
Pat Smear | 1:33
Rob Halford | 2:55
Peter Criss | 4:21
Mickey Hart | 5:43
Steve Perry | 7:07
Bruce Dickinson | 8:31
Tom DeLonge | 10:01
John Frusciante | 11:29

Voiceover by: Joe McQuillin

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42 thoughts on “Musicians Who Left Their Bands, Only To Come Crawling Back”

  1. Tom cam crawling back a second time cause he's millions in debt from To The Stars, justt got divorced and has a kid he most likely has to pat alimony for. 5 years from now he'll leave without telling them. Again.

  2. Rob Halford wanted to live his authentic life after decades of being in the closet. He was more concerned about the band, so he sacrificed his best years. He didn't come crawling back. He still thought he would be a detriment and poured out his pain and conflicting emotions in that letter. He's a fking hero!

  3. Peter Criss did not come crawling back to KISS. He was ASKED back by Gene and Paul for the reunion tour because they knew they'd make a fortune. G&P made 80 million each. They gave Ace and Peter 1 million each.

  4. Bill had changed his style of drumming in Mickeys absence. He had spent 4 years holding down the rhythm and didn't want to give it up. He says that in his book too.

  5. John Frusciante’s return was very understandable. He was very overwhelmed my the whole experience of achieving mainstream. It’s amazing and miraculous that he survived that very bleak period.

  6. Tommy Shaw of Styx.

    He quit the band on stage during Kilroy in a drugged stupor upsetting James Young and John and Chuck Panozzo. Dennis DeYoung was shocked BUT refused to replace Tommy. In 1989, Styx were to reunite but at the last minute Tommy joins Damn Yankees and Styx hire Glen Burtnik. They record Edge of the Century without Tommy and went Gold while Tommy went Platinum on Damn Yankees debut and then bombed on Don't Tread (thank Grunge and Alternative for killing that crappy band). In 1995, Styx re-records Lady for a Greatest Hits and Dennis invites Tommy back and records with them and also Tommy adds backing vocals and a guitar solo to a Son of Edge of the Century demo "It Takes Love" while Dennis records a fresh vocal replacing Burtnik's vocals. Styx reunites with Tommy for TWO SOLD OUT COMEBACK TOURS but were without John Panozzo who passed away and the live tour spawned a Gold selling live album. Then in 1999 while recording Brave New World in between Tommy releasing Seven Deadly Zens and also Dennis recuperating from chronic fatigue syndrome, Styx want to tour but Dennis wanted to wait until he was 100% and Tommy complained about not wanting to do the album without a tour. Dennis said there would be and when CMC (the record label) heard Tommy didn't want to finish the album, the label threatened with a lawsuit and Tommy and JY KICK Dennis out while he was sick. Since then, Styx have turned into a joke while Dennis put out three amazing albums since his ouster. Dennis was betrayed by Tommy and JY. He didn't want to sue Styx and wasn't being paid for a year and a half when the Behind the Music came out and was a character assassination job on Dennis and he reluctantly sued his ex-bandmates for wrongful termination and failure to pay him for songs of his they played!

  7. Wait how do you tell the Journey story and leave out where he re-arranged the band with Randy Jackson thus setting up long term resentment to the original members?

  8. Frusciante has the most human reasoning for both. He’s a perfect example of the mental toll of fame and touring. In the 90s it almost killed him, and the 2000s was mental exhaustion. Easily one of the most down-to-earth musicians for that alone

  9. Worse was when Kirk Hammit formed the mightiest thrash metal band of all time… EXODUS. He left and joined a terrible poseur band named Metallica. Years later he wanted to re-join Exodus & rock again but everyone knew he was a sellout and they wouldn't let him back in.

  10. am I the only one who saw Rob Halford leaving Priest as a positive?
    Ripper was great. Priest still sounded like Priest and it was still cool to listen to them. Dude could really sing.
    Meanwhile Halford formed Fight, and I might get some hate on this but Fight was so much better than Priest. For me, yeah I know they helped define a genre. They inspired a lot of future metal heads including myself. You'll not find a single Judas Priest album in my collection then or now though.

  11. "Substance abuse and Mental Health" ?? That sentence shocks me. I'm a grandpa and I had drugs problems during 30 years or so, so, I was crazy ?! Strange, but why not. 🤪

  12. I don't know for sure if Pat Smear leaving the Foo Fighters due to Dave Grohl's divorce is true or not. But in their Back and Forth documentary in 2011, Pat said he initially left the band since he didn't want to tour anymore since he had been at it with other bands for so many years already.

  13. Gene and Paul are assholes. They killed the Kiss Army when they started shuffling players and members. I was an adult by that time and had left their noise behind for more musical acts like Pink Floyd and Zeppelin so it didn't really bother me other than I thought it was tacky. I looked at the kids that followed the band as imposters also. They weren't Kiss fans or even Kiss Army. They had Paul and Gene and whoever they could get along with at the time. Not Kiss. It was more than a band name.

    Funny thing. About 20 years later I pulled out a Kiss Alive album and tried to listen to it. It hurt my freaking ears. My younger cousin was into the second or third incarnation of the band. He got my albums.

  14. Steve Perry's first solo album, "Street Talk", was released in 1984 right after he left Journey and was a big success. It featured the hit single "Oh Sherry". I think you were off by a whole decade.


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