Pew Skew – High Elves vs Cathay // Total War: WARHAMMER 3

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Thanks to Creative Assembly for making an awesome game, and to Sega and Games Workshop for allowing me to share it with you!

#totalwar #warhammer3 #multiplayer


24 thoughts on “Pew Skew – High Elves vs Cathay // Total War: WARHAMMER 3”

  1. Cathay had too much faith in their cannons in a 4v2, Tyrion is a raid boss. I love the HE aggressive posturing with their cav – it gave the Cathay player lots of nearby targets, which baited them into staying put. It's very easy to blame Cathay for choosing the wrong strategy, but many players would go for the easy win (xbows shooting skirmish cav, 2v1 SE battle, and polearms vs large) rather than the more difficult option (take free shots for a minute while advancing to shoot the artillery and risk creating gaps in your formation to be exploited.)

    HE player did forget to ungroup their "demounted" artillery crew from the other bolt throwers, which led to them charging into melee when they could have been kept in reserve and switched back onto a piece once its original crew used up their ammo.

  2. @ 6:25 Cathay Dragon Lords. Give Big Buffs to their Troops and other units. if they stay in Human form. the Buffs they give. I think Drop by 1/4th or by one half. When in Dragon form. WHich is why in this match. the Cathay player Kept his Lord in Human form.

  3. Just push up high elves had no infantry. You get your crossbow men in range of anything important, it dies. High eleven could not out trade the shielded crossbowmen. I think he was just a new player. He should not have just sat there like that.

  4. you know what thing I noticed is that the scattershot doesn't do a lot of damage to large targets, even cavalry. 6:20 you barely have to worry about friendly fire if it's a cav unit.

  5. If you let your opponent use 3/4 of their artillery ammo without also using 3/4 of your own then you have failed miserably from a tactical stand point. Cathay needed to force the High Elves to choose between targeting the Xbows or the canons.


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