Pathfinder Regional Deepdive: Nex

Welcome back to our Deep Dive series! We return to the Impossible Lands to take a look at Geb’s great northern rival – Nex.

Because this is my second video in this region I suggest starting with the other one which goes a little bit deeper in some of the history of the region and which you can find here:

Like the Geb video, this video is richer in details in terms of the culture and societal norms, because Nex is also a really unique country and is therefore a little lighter in terms of the important locations. Hopefully I’ve captured the most relevant things here though to understand this special country.

▬ Contents of this video ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

0:00 – The History of Nex
18:29 – Nex Today
26:23 – Quantium
55:21 – Ecanus
1:20:54 – Oenopion
1:37:59 – Other Important Locations

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Content for this video came from “Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Mythic Realms” by Benjamin Bruck, Jason Bulmahn, Amanda Harmon, Nicolas Logue, Jason Nelson, F. Wesley Schneider, and Russ Taylor and from “Pathfinder Lost Omens: Impossible Lands” by Mariam Ahmad, Saif Ansari, Alexandria Bustion, Basheer Ghouse, Michelle Jones, TJ Kahn, Matt Morris, Dave Nelson, Shiv Ramdas, Mikhail Rekun, Michael Sayre, Tan Shao Han, Ruvaid Virk, Jabari Weathers, and Brian Yaksha

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40 thoughts on “Pathfinder Regional Deepdive: Nex”

  1. No wayyy. I just made my favorite character yet. And I rolled some random dice to see where he was born and it came up nex. I've been doing research on it wishing you had some content. And here it is!

  2. Quantium sounds like a great place to have a magicpunk style campaign. This diverse metropolis is a place any race can make a life that seems like paradise where anything can happen, but its really corrupt and rotting from the inside. A place where crime runs rampant in the places that the amoral institutions don't care to look or control.

  3. Looks like egyptian inspired region from the thumbnail. I'm sure to watch this vid in it's entirety because of that. Not now, later. Now I'm "binge watching"(in between working/sleeping and such ofc) your vids on gods and different outsiders. I wonder, do you plan to make a vid about azatas? I've been curious about them since I heard of them in Wrath of the Righteous.

  4. Great video! Your deep dives into Garund are amazing and are one of the highlights of my week when they come out. Question: When will the central Mwangi video drop? Also will you be briefly covering the nations of southern Garund? (Chauxen, Dehrukani, Droon, Holomog, Eihlona, Kaz'ulu, Murraseth, Nurvatcha, Tirakawhan)

  5. Interesting. This is an interesting location, being a “nation” essentially made of a Union of 3 city-states with 3 very different cultures. My favorite region of Golarion remains Varisia (especially Magnimar), but Nex is pretty cool too and worth a visit.

  6. You should consider ending your videos with a little more of an outro, like a hint at what youll cover next. I just find they tend to cut off rsther suddenly.

    Other than that, excellent video as always 🙂

  7. Hey Mr. Mythkeeper, I started watching your videos with the Geb deepdive, because the city of the undead concept caught my eye and I wanted to look more into Pathfinder at the time, and now I've watched through most of your videos. It got me to look into some of the Pathfinder lore myself, and I was wondering if you would ever do a video on the Sahkils. When I found them, I thought their concept of spiteful fear spreaders that, when you get down to it, just like messing with people was pretty neat to me, but they didn't seem to have too much written on them that I could find. Maybe there isn't much more than what I saw, so it might not make a super long video, but since they're related to psychopomps, I guess they'd go there. Anyways, I think your videos are pretty cool, so keep it up.

    Also having watched both the Geb and Nex videos now, I gotta say, Geb (the guy) might be evil, but Nex just seems like a real prick. But I may be biased since I think undead are neat.

  8. I always considered that Nex vs Geb 2: Electric Boogaloo should be the next big thing in Pathfinder, after the Runelords, Whispering Tyrant and Worldwound. Both nations duking it out one more time should have existential levels of threat, if Nex should return and Geb fully become aware again.


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