Pastor John Hagee – "The King of the North"

Pastor John Hagee says that while the name Russia doesn’t appear in Scripture, the geographic location is given in the Bible with pinpoint accuracy. In this powerful teaching on the King of the North (which represents Russia), Pastor quickly unveils hours of deep research on Biblical prophecy, explaining in great detail why the Gog-Magog War has already begun. This sermon walks us through history, explains the geographic significance and maps out God’s plan for each of us as recorded more than 3,000 years ago in his Holy Word. How does this affect you? How does it affect Israel? Get your note-taking materials out. This sermon is drenched in historic and prophetic data, without a doubt demonstrating how the world stage is being set for the appearance of King Jesus…and of his Kingdom, there shall be no end.


45 thoughts on “Pastor John Hagee – "The King of the North"”


  2. Pray us military an Israel military still strikes Iran nuke sites in next 60 days at most or sooner because now stupid terrorist Iran gonna get nukes in 10 days us military brass says an Israel military .
    I hope peace will hold because my plan is to go visit Israel in April for 10-14 nights
    I want peace to prevail but Israel will be in danger if us military allows Iran to get nukes

  3. Amen Pastor Hagee you hit the hammer to nails on point. You know listening to this message, I am taking my time going through it, I haven't gotten so far as 12 to 15 minutes into this message and it has covered a lot of issues that I see has affected families, bitterness in families today, not just the one that is being preached upon right now, yes, because it is through Abraham will the nations of the world be blessed. But families in the whole.
    Bitterness, I recognize here in the message, when that has not been resolved, that leads separations to families, that there is a separation and loss of contact to the children are born to brothers and sisters and so, that the generation that is coming up don't even know that their own family members and are affected by it.
    It's crazy and I am not excluded, I don't know majority of family members.
    I remember years ago, when I worked in the Postal service, I had a customer that I see on the side of road practically talking to himself and I knew the guy it looked weird and I approached him and asked him if he's okay and for some reason he didn't recognize me and because I wasn't dressed in postal uniform and when he did, he began to explain to me, that he met this girl and and they soon dated, and very quickly moved in with each other, he said never loved another woman the way he fell in love with her and within a short they were engaged and so, he saw her has very beautiful and not the type guy girl like her. Anyways, his mother and a few of his siblings lived abroad and he told them of all about he fell in love and they were all excited for him, they had never met the girl before and at time that cell phone those TDMA phone, not with camera, there was no smart this and that around, but they all spoke over the phone TDMA or via landline.
    Anyways a date was set for the wedding, and the family from abroad purchased the bridal dress and groom suit and sponsored the whole wedding.
    So days before the wedding happened the mother arrived in the country first with gifts for the potential bridge and groom and the next followed some of the siblings. Three nights before the wedding the mother sent for her son, to the bring his fiance and when he brought her to the house, it was night time and he introduced her to his mother and immediately his, mother said to him," you can't marry this girl and he taught his mother was joking, the mother repeated herself, and a quarrel broke out in the house and said, and he said why? And the mother said because she is my niece, my sister daughter and you two are first cousins.
    Oh my gosh, the thing up setted this guy so much he left house and no one was able find for three whole days and he said the worst thing was, is that the girl wanted them to continue as planned through out the whole thing and he said he couldn't, because he was feeling nauseous of the whole thing and the girl wouldn't leave him alone and he put his hands in his pocket and took out his phone those TDMA phone and showed it to me there sixty something miss calls, he said it's her , she's calling me to continue as planned but I can't.
    There's a whole lot of repenting needs to be happening all over the earth with families. But God bless Israel and all it's people and the peace of God to their generations to and on Jerusalem his city wow

  4. Thank you GOD for ALL of YOUR BLESSINGS and I also want to thank Pastor John Hagee for your prayers your words and your truths of the Bible.May God continue to bless you and your family 🙏❤️ AMEN

  5. I wonder, if the king of the North is so evil. Why there is not homosexual marriage, transgenders , pedophilia and bestialism, etc.. in Russia? On another hand why Russia has a Jewish within Russia, or Jewish Oblast? Something do not fit here. 🤔

  6. Sonia Azam is X Muslim
    She studied bible and geographical location as the Bible explained and find out that turkey and many other Muslim nations are the Antichrist group .The proof is that turkey has millions of military army all over the world . In Africa Somalia Pakistan and so on . Erdoughan in his speech says that Jerusalem belongs to them . I believe that is not Russia .

  7. Thank u so much for exposing the historical facts about Gog&Magog as well as the composition of the 4blocks of the world powers(North-Russia, South-Arab nations,West-USA/Europe&allies, EastChina&co). Glory be to God in the highest amen. Connected with faith from Southern Cameron Africa. Amen.

  8. Thanks Papa Haggee,may God almighty strengthen u& grant u longer days for us&for his kingdom.Amen.This night I'd a dream that I was explaining to my sister how God is going to end this generation. Meanwhile, yrs ago I'd a vision of the 3angels to proclaim rapture many years ago and I was terrified that out my mom's house(children&grand children), only 5persons were to b saved as at that time!! About 3yrs JESUS came down from the sky to me in a vision& asked me "where are the three?", I understood that he meant the three out of my mom's direct 6children but I was alone, the others weren't ready, so JESUS left. I didn't want JESUS to leave but he left since the three weren't ready. Glory be to God in the highest amen. Connected with faith from Southern Cameron Africa. Amen.

  9. I'm glad that I'm living in best day I've lived in,seeing everything taking place just as the scriptures said and it shall rapidly get worse and worse and when Russia goes down to Israel to get that oil,look out! That's all she needs,remember Russia is a tool in the hands of God to destroy America and Vatican city and Russia has got them timed right from Moscow and one day he shall come ,the deliverer

  10. His last words were "the end is nigh" as I fell back to this earth. I was a straight edge Atheist called the Savior Yako Romero in my independent wrestling career. Well I saw an now know Jesus alone is God.

  11. Respectfully,
    Read in scripture that there is no more Jew or Gentile. We were grafted into the promise of Abraham, not the race of Abraham.

    John's whole premise for his false teaching is taking old testament prophesies out of context in the old testament that have been fulfilled and throwing them into the book of Revelation. John's message of a third temple and animal sacrifices is pure nonsnse. All one needs to do is understand that scripture explains scripture. Then you will see what God thinks of re-enstating such an abominable thing such as animal sacrifices again. He had the temple destroyed in 70 AD when they continued to do so. Jesus is the perfect and final sacrifice and said on the cross IT IS FINISHED. The father would never disgrace His only begotten Son by such a thing.
    If Jesus weren't fully God as He is man, He would likely be an anti-Semite against his own race. They had the old testament scripture foretelling His death and resurrection, even before the Romans arrived to invent crucifixion, yet they rejected Him. They crucified Him, and the vast majority still reject Him as Massiah to this day. And John thinks that God has a special separate plan for them to furthermore mock Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross.



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