Part 7 ! A Newly Summoned Hero Abandoned By Humanity, Created a Harem of Demon & Beast girls !Manhwa

Part 7 ! A Newly Summoned Hero Abandoned By Humanity, Created a Harem of Demon & Beast girls ! Manhwa Capped

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45 thoughts on “Part 7 ! A Newly Summoned Hero Abandoned By Humanity, Created a Harem of Demon & Beast girls !Manhwa”

  1. I still hate the fact that Gozaru san and Barirossa and trying to compatible love with each other but he already had uliminas confessing to him im sooo angry aaaaaa😡😡😡.

    But im not saying i hate the other character im just saying Gozaru san is NOT compatible with Barirossa

  2. At 2:39 he is still questioning what is going on, still getting his mind around what Iago from Othello knew and asserted. "Credo in un Dios Crudel" ( I believe god is cruel )
    . . . those gods, never learned the obvious. Poke into too many holes, one day you find a Rattlesnake.
    Poor Uliluminus-chan, she had her being confession scene and He was all like "Yeah, cool, three-P is good !"..


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