The Most Dangerous Insects in the World

Discover the chilling world of dangerous insects! From killer fleas to murder hornets and deadly caterpillars, learn about their terrifying abilities and the cutting-edge Florida experiment to combat disease-carrying mosquitoes!

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43 thoughts on “The Most Dangerous Insects in the World”

  1. I feel the people who would mostly have issues with eating butterflies or any insects probably wear loincloths and live in a hut in the jungle. Half a step step above monkey. They got these cats running around saying you all gotta eat bugs to save the planet while they enjoy Lobster diners and fly privet jets laughing all the way to the bank. You ain't savin shit and the world is not warming, biggest hoax there ever was.

  2. I don't know if eraddicating mosquito's is wise. Due to them being a food source for many animals that eat insects.

    BUT lowering their number wudnt hurt i guess.

    I mean sometimes in summer times i cycle to work and the sheer amount of these flying bastards that fly EXACTLY at the height of my face is just obnoxious to a new levelā˜¹ļø

  3. I used a flea treatment on my cat. The damn things were in my bed. The brand name starts with a C. It killed every flea in my apartment in about a month. All the fleas need to do it walk on the cat.

    While you're on wasps, be sure you check on the Tarantula Hawk. Worst sting of all wasps. I mean, it stuns tarantulas. Sonoran Desert.

  4. My other half and I ended up in a flat that was flea infested. We ripped up the carpets and all sorts to try and reduce their numbers by removing their homes and smoke them out with flea bombs. Even had exterminators out to spray the entire flat and it did nothing. Turns out they were living in the wall cavity and there were several holes in the skirting board and they were just pouring out of these holes. My partner and I were bitten beyond belief to the point that she had a mental breakdown and I ended up bitten that badly that I ended up with sepsis. My left lower leg was bright red and had swollen to twice itā€™s size. The heat radiated could be felt across the room, no word of a lie. I couldnā€™t walk on it as the skin had turned rock hard making my leg like walking on a stick of wood. It then got to the point where I could t stand up, couldnā€™t go to the toilet without falling over so I had to crawl my way there and then back to bed. I was so unwell and then when my other half noticed my leg she immediately got me to call up the out of hours service whom directed me ti hospital and I had to be there within the hour. I got there and they rushed me in, and plied me with anti-viral drips and antibiotic drips until they could identify what the problem was. My bloods came back and they said it was an extreme case of Cellulitis which was turning septic. My inflammatory markers should have been 50, mine were 4,500 and rising. I was plied with so many drips of antibiotics I lost count after 8 whole bags within 24 hours. Eventually the infection was under control but I was left with scarring on my leg from the bites, plus the blistering and cracks in the skin from where the flesh was so stretched. I was informed that I had contracted sepsis and I was mere hours from death. If I had have left it another day and wait for the GP to open on Monday morning like I was gonna do I would have been dead, the ward sister told me that straight up. No two ways about it I wouldā€™ve been dead within hours if I hadnā€™t have gotten to A&E when I did. Thankfully I listened to my other half, and all of that was the result of flea bites. Donā€™t risk it with fleas, and donā€™t fall for stereotypes, fleas donā€™t just appear on animals they just use animals as transport and a food source, and they use our clothes to hid too. They use us as food and they come from outdoors, not magically on the back of a dog or a cat. Once theyā€™re on you and inside theyā€™re a nightmare to get rid of. If you see any on you, take care of that immediately and donā€™t let them use you as a buffet, as it could kill you like it almost did me.

  5. At the comment of fleas not being picky; they apparently aren't fond of medications for depression/bipolar. We had two infestations. I'm the only one in the household not on those types of medications. I was the only human bitten.

  6. Mosquitoes are horrible and annoying and yes…deadly. I gladly claim victory for every one I defeat. However….there are consequences for wiping out entire species…..sigh….humans….

  7. There is emerging evidence that strongly suggests that The Great Mortality, aka ā€œThe Black Deathā€, was spread primarily by body lice, not fleas (although fleas can and do carry/spread y. pestis)

  8. My son got a chronic blood infection from a spider bite and now gets sick every time heā€™s bitten by any spider mosquitoes or any insects so I kill every spider I see and any insect that can potentially bite.

  9. Those giant cicada killer wasps 3ā€ long live in underground holes I catch by filling a bottle with water and turning it over into their hole. They wind up flying out of the hole and into the bottle. They donā€™t sting humans, but let one go inside a store and grown men cower and run and scream. They are scary looking with about a 1ā€ stinger.

  10. Since you wondered: Hippopotamus stems from Greek (river horse), so like octopus… it's either octopuses or octopodes. The plural of potamos is potamoi, so if you want to be a real pedant, say: "it's hippopotamoi, fight me bro!" xD. Silly question btw, but shouldn't the caterpillar have a different name than Vespa luctuosa?

  11. While on vacation in mexico a decade ago I buried my feet in the sand on the beach while I was tanning. The sand was hot so I didn't even feel the army of sand fleas that were feasting on my ankles. Luckily didn't contract any diseases, but it itched for months afterwards

  12. Before taking part in a guided hike in St John's Virgin Islands Nat'l Park, the lead park ranger warned us about the Jack Spaniard Wasp, a very territorial insect that will attack you in numbers if you disturb their nest, usually located on a large tree leaf.

  13. The only problem with the Mosquito remedy is that it lead to the extinction of other creatures that feed off the insect. Then that could lead to an even large problem that no one has taken into consideration.


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