(Part 2) The Trek: A Migrant Trail to America | The Whole Story with Anderson Cooper

CNN’s Nick Paton Walsh, travels with a group of migrants as they make the arduous trek on foot through Central and South America.
The journey through the Darien Gap is a perilous jungle crossing between Colombia and Panama that many migrants must face as they head north to seek asylum in the United States. Over five harrowing days, Paton Walsh hikes the full 66-mile roadless route, documenting the heroism of everyday people, milked for cash by drug cartels and unwanted by any country, as they battle the dense rainforest in search of a better life. Watch ‘The Whole Story With Anderson Cooper’ Sundays at 8PM ET on CNN.
Watch all parts of the documentary here:
Part 1: https://bit.ly/3mEkOBC
Part 2: https://bit.ly/3KJTDNO
Part 3: https://bit.ly/40epxYc
Part 4: https://bit.ly/3GJDTcw
Part 5: https://bit.ly/3oeKLbk

#NickPatonWalsh #TheWholeStory #andersoncooper


34 thoughts on “(Part 2) The Trek: A Migrant Trail to America | The Whole Story with Anderson Cooper”

  1. This is so sad and broken my heart I am sorry to see this and wish everyone well and hope they find the happiness they seek in life I wish we all could be just one world without borders when I had went in the United state marine many yrs ago I joined with the hope of protecting the weak and the vulnerable and innocent and I wish I could have helped them even if it cost me my own life

  2. To think that is only the beginning of the journey. Getting across Central America isn't quite as bad but once they hit Mexico, they're extorted by the drug cartels to get up to the border and then have to pay coyotes to get across. It's full blown human trafficking. I've met a bunch of people that made this journey at a migrant shelter I take donations to in Tijuana. Around 700-800 people living in a church compound that shouldn't be housing more than 100-200. You can see the despair in the people's faces but still see smiles and people helping each other until they can get across. Some had been at the shelter for 1-2 years. No place for a kid to grow up.

  3. 9:49 How could she not know? There are hundreds of videos about the crossing of The Darien Gap and testimony from many migrants who have crossed it. Even the poorest person in Latinamerica has access to a smartphone, I find it hard to believe they don't know. Those videos and news reports are everywhere! Does no one take initiative to find out what they'll be getting into?

  4. I often go to other Countries. I always go through a Customs Port of Entry and comply with immigration Laws. If you are willing to walk barefoot through the Jungle, go to a Port of Entry to gain legal access to America. I shall be Trekking through Northern Wilderness Forrest to Canada this Summer. I could easily bypass Canadian Wilderness Customs station and save 40 Miles of rugged Walking but I respect the Sovereignty of Canadian People. It is almost impossible to break an Ankle on Mud Jungle Trails but very easy on Rugged Canadian Shield Rock Paths. When you hear hyperbolic claims of Ankle breaking on Mud Jungle Trails, it is Propoganda.

  5. As much as I sympathize with the desire to have a better life and give their children a better life I can’t support the flow of illegal entry into America our system is broken and stretched to the limit already and the parents who send their children alone should be charged with abandonment and child endangerment! They seem to think we will just open the border and welcome them with open arms 😡 come legally or stay the hell away from our southern border 🤬ENOUGH is ENOUGH 🤢

  6. I thought Hong Kong is a better place to live then majorities of these migrants! If the Chinese guy has enough cash to passed through so many different countries, why didn't he applies for a US Visa and fly legally entering the USA? That Chinese man is insane!

  7. 这些人被中介欺诈,美国中介公司讲到美国三个月能买别墅,一个礼拜能存款1000多美金,是真的的吗?还是你们这是欧美政客需要廉洁劳工和中介一起玩的套路,自己清楚。你们会报道吗?看看你们的雇佣的反华自媒体怎么宣传的。虚伪……这些人非法偷渡美国洗盘子一个月能挣6000美金……?,他们实际拿多少2000美金,甚至还拿不到,美国最低时薪多少? 这里不讲人权了,不讲剥削劳工了? 不是血汗工厂了…… 洛杉矶丁胖子广场多少?所以讲你们这些媒体,太虚伪……害了自己本国人的就业,也用一些宣传欺诈害了无数他国人……维护了资本家剥削而已…这一点看不起你们美国人…缺劳工时候就用放开偷渡,用美妙的谎言欺诈…太虚伪了,美国朋友们…https://youtu.be/iYx9GSIc5y4


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