Overtime: Ari Melber and Andrew Sullivan | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Bill and his guests continue their conversation after the show.


32 thoughts on “Overtime: Ari Melber and Andrew Sullivan | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)”

  1. The GOP voters care about Ukraine because they've been told Putin is a good guy by their party leader. They have a penchant for authoritarianism and it's evident in their love affair with Viktor Orban.

  2. If your show requires a “clapper” it’s a sign of failure since it is not authentic because a natural response to comedy is laughter, it should be mandatory to advertise it at the start of the show.

    Same with laugh tracks on tv shows are an immediately sign that it’s bad or at the very least annoying.

  3. Bill is an leftard mostly to keep his audience. He says people don't go by the issues which is not wrong but not true either. People do care about the results and the final results from this democrat government are pretty bad. We live worse now than four years ago and that's how people will vote. Democrats also cheat the elections by buying votes, importing slave labor and stuffing ballot boxes.

  4. I'm profundly annoyed with Andrew Sullivan's stupid take on "merit", totally ignoring the fact that certain sections of our society have been neglected and systematically oppressed. His "merit" concept would work if everybody started on the same line. That's not the case. Systemic Inequality is real and a fact

  5. Bill stop whining about covid! You were lucky, a lot of people weren't! Biden and the government tried doing the right thing, dealing with a situtation they never had to deal with before Trump didn't and you whined about that too! Can't have it both ways.

  6. As a school teacher who taught in both inner city schools , suburban and rural there is savage inequality in education and socioeconomics and diversity inclusion also has to represent disabled. I was poor, rural and have a learning disability I would have been er been able to afford college and get myself out of poverty without HEOP higher educational opportunity scholarships. Same with African Americans the job market does discriminate I have seen it. Your panelists are idiots. I would like to come on to educate them. We still have red lining happening in America and high concentrations of blacks in inner cities because of white flight and dss housing. You have to help minorities get college educations. I don’t agree a smarter doctor who is white being picked over a black who might be lower grades for diversity after a masters degree it should be on merit but not for most careers. The top is different. But look at Elon Musk he is Asburgers and he is killing it. Disabilities are very discriminated against cause I have lived it. Women are as well. Sadly some cities in America are still stuck in the 50’s the 1970’s had more diversity then we do now. Facts. Just go visit Buffalo or Rochester NY

  7. I’m looking for Pontious pilot ?
    Oh I see he won’t have anything to do with me. OK well then I’ll just talk to Bill Maher the Jew instead.
    I’m a white evangelical, you know, the people you like to refer to on your program and look down on.
    Anyway, as a white evangelical Christian, that lives in the Midwest, I’m against the killing of babies in the holy land. I’m against whether a Jew does it or the Catholic president. Perhaps that’s just a white evangelical Christian perspective, I don’t know. Joe Biden claims he’s a good Catholic. All I can say is, I’m glad I’m not Catholic because I don’t think it’s good.

  8. John Stewart exposed this last year when he interviewed Larry Summers. Inflation is myth when the companies are having record profits and CEOs making hundreds of millions but the consumer playing more and the workers in these companies cant get a raise with these record profits


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