Our Spoilery Thoughts On The Super Mario Bros. Movie

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#SuperMarioBrosMovie #MarioMovie #SuperMarioMovie


50 thoughts on “Our Spoilery Thoughts On The Super Mario Bros. Movie”

  1. The references are cool but the movie absolutely crumbles once you start thinking about the logistics behind the plot in the movie. Wouldn’t humans have already discovered the mushroom kingdom, since it was in a maintenance room built around it? Why does Peach even need Mario if she is so good at platforming herself? How does Kamek know about Mario and Peach’s whereabouts? Why isn’t Bowser immediately shot dead by the NYPD? That last one is a joke, but my point still stands. There was no thought put behind the screenplay and it sucks because it could’ve been so much more creative and imaginative. Part of why the games are so special is because of how creative they are, but this movie doesn’t do more than merely reference them.

  2. More people still the same promise adults complain about kids movie. True that trailer have too much scenes but my felling the same as Live action movie of Disney I watch it before I’m find with it as long as I have a good time but not sure you guys are If you guy have this mental of critic in every movie maybe Last of Us TV series is bad cause we play to before they may change some part but general idea are the same and that’s bad ? If not you are not double standard?

  3. I like the Super Mario Bros Movie a lot and it's simple but successful. And especially joy and celebration to watch. I can't find much to complain about in the movie other than the pacing, but I don't understand people who complain that the training montage demasculinized Mario and made him less Super. Because nobody is born perfect, not even mario, and therefore everyone needs practice and training to become better at what you do. And if you need training and practice, it is not a shameful weakness which demasculates. The whole idea that training and practice are bad for men is a toxic and dumb thought and should be kept out of your mind.

  4. Did Alex leave cuz he was bringing down the mood? Lol I loved the movie, it was never going to be Oscar worthy story telling, but totally agree with the cliched songs thrown it threw out, they just didn’t fit! It’s such a fun experience has rekindled my love for Mario ❤

  5. I watched it yesterday afternoon in 3D I can honestly say that I haven't had so much fun or cried as often as I did during a movie in a long time. So I'm going to give it an 9 out of 10. Only reason it's not perfect is because of a couple things that sort of bothered me. One of them being the pacing at the beginning. Also the Luma wanting to die is a reference to the end of Mario Galaxy. But yeah, Lumalee joke was a little much nor did I like the license music because take on me replaced a track at the last minute.

  6. I loved the movie. My expectations we’re exceeded (they weren’t very high to be fair) but it accomplished exactly what I was hoping for. A simple, enjoyable and casual movie to explore the mario universe.

    I’m more of a gamer myself, so I don’t have as high expectations for movies in general. If this was a new mario game or something I might feel different about how it was executed.

    But it was fun to bring my wife and sister to this, and to get them engaged with one of my hobbies was probably the best part for me! Hoping for some sequels or other Nintendo franchises to get a movie

  7. When they waked through Bob-omb Battlefield I was taken aback because it's not a real place in preestablished Mario lore, it's just a painting in Peach's Castle. The level only exists because Bowser used the magic of the power stars to make it so.

  8. The critics are just being honest and minding their own business, but the supporters of the movie are the ones making all the uproar about the so called hate. If it’s so good, why can’t people just enjoy it and ignore the critics? Why are people giving so much attention to the critics that they’re trashing? Because deep down, people want this to be a 100% rotten tomatoes movie but it’s far from it.

  9. I mean this is chanel that I expected the least amount of criticism over a Super Mario movie and I am indeed impressed lol. I don't mean they're not valid but Alex said he didn't have too many expectations but I'm not buying it at all looool

  10. Very funny that of all things, Kid Icarus is the one real videogame in the movie that is presented as-is in its true form being played, not counting the altered Donkey Kong arcade machine. So that, presumably "Jump Man", F-Zero, Star Fox, and maybe Pikmin are Nintendo made videogames in this reality, while all things Mario, Donkey Kong, Punch-Out, most Game & Watch, and probably Urban Champion are real things that exist, which leaves the likes of Zelda, Metroid, and Kirby up in the air, most likely held off from completely to save for their own property. Odd you were all negative on Cranky, there's a lot of directions they could've taken him and I would consider "smart alec old jewish man" among the valid takes, though I didn't care for him keeping the big fancy Aztec ruler look the whole time. Wasn't particularly impressed with anybody's voice acting, but didn't find any of them offensively bad, I guess I just never accepted them as replacements of the game characters, always viewing them like "this is Chris Pratt playing a character in the movie, distinctly different from MARIO the character from the games"

  11. The curse of being a 90s kid is having to endure people being incapable of remembered the distinction between 80s and 90s stuff. Take On Me is literally from 84 and Donkey Kong Country was 94!

  12. Just saw it a second time. Better on a second viewing, but it really needed a scene or two more to add to the story. My personal take is to make Toad the one who lured Mario into the Mushroom Kingdom. I think that solves a lot of problems and adds a lot to the stakes. Either way, I just wish they’d put in enough of a story to put it on the level of even a mid-tier movie. As it is it mostly rests on the quality of the visuals and the IP.

  13. As a huge DK fan, all of the DK and Cranky stuff was what I was most nervous about going into the movie. I've now seen the movie twice, and I gotta say, I think Cranky is a lot better the second time. He's a little jarring the first time because it's not what you expect, but once you're used to it I think it works in a different way ("cranky" more like a Bernie Sanders than a Scrooge).

    DK I actually think was written the best of any character. They were able to nail the idea of him being a stubborn himbo ape (like he always has been, even though it's hard to portray that in the games when he's the hero). He can be played off as being "dumb" because he's just a little short-sighted and immature, without actually just being the typical flanderized token stupid character.

    I was a little disappointed as to how underutilized some of the other Kongs were, but I feel like a DK standalone movie is inevitable at this point, so I'm hoping they left some of that stuff out for a reason. Like we know DK is Cranky's son in the movie, but is he DK Jr.? Was Cranky ever a "Donkey Kong" in this world? Did he ever go to Brooklyn? I feel like that's easy backstory territory for a DK movie. Also, I was hoping Funky would be responsible for why the Kong's have such advanced automotives, but we ended up with him not in the movie, while also not having an explanation for their kart culture. So that's another thing that they could just be saving to go more in depth into when we can put Funky's face to it. Diddy was the only other named Kong with a speaking role, and it was just a little cameo, so I'm sure if they wanted to make him the co-star of a DK film, they could just be saving money on casting a big name actor for a short cameo appearance (this would also go for Funky).


  14. ….

    I liked the scene of Mario in the pizza place at the end where Mario had the choice to give up and when Mario was wavering, Luigi's hand in the commercial had brought the car Mario had pushed back on track to Brooklyn.

  15. 20 mins and I give up lol. 😂 sounds like you guys went to this movie with such high expectations. It is a mario movie which played good fan service to Nintendo fans. I went in expected to be entertained and I was… I wasn't expecting anatomically correct gorillas 😂

  16. I loved the movie in general.
    Probably my biggest gripe with it was Peach. Not that she was bad, and it’s fine that she’s strong and capable and not a damsel in distress. The problem is that she’s not Peach from the games. Like, at all. The others had changes to, but not to this extent.
    This isn’t her personality. In the games she’s tender and caring and loves to bake, but she can still get serious and take action when she needs to. In the movie, her personality is Generic Strong Independent Woman that we have seen a thousand times before.

  17. It was a very entertaining movie, I think my brain just went into "Ok this isn't a deep movie, it's just a fun movie" and I really enjoyed it and didn't have an issue with the writing .

    Was a good time, don't know if it'll be very rewatchable like a Pixar or Ghibli movie, but it was good for what it is.

  18. On the point about the Luma seeming out of character, it actually makes WAY more sense if you think about it. Their whole thing is about dying and being reborn into something new. And they’re from space which inherently would bring a bunch of existentialism to someone living there their whole life. We just haven’t seen a Luma look at death in this particular way which I find honestly really funny.

  19. Can someone please record full game play from Mario bros all the way to odyssey, then send it to Alex? It seems that's what he wants – a video game movie.

  20. It was a fun movie. It borrows a lot from Mario Odyssey. I was hoping for more Galaxy themes in terms of Bowser and Peach. Come to think of it, where's Mrs. Bowser? We've seen Baby Bowser for years in lots of games. There's conflicting storylines in Yoshi's Island where Bowser is a baby as a boss fight, and then there's baby Bowser with OG Bowser in Mario Galaxy, Bowser's Fury etc. Mrs. Bowser could be a new boss to fight for future potential Mario games. After all, we got Toadette now.

  21. Luigi and adventure Toad were my favorite, and I loved the scene of Luigi in the creepy forest so much. I also really liked the peppy luma of doom.

  22. Ok, this might be a bit of a stretch, but could Spike, who wears blue clothes and picks on Mario & Luigi in the beginning, be a reference to Sonic? 😂 They eventually get along though! 😆

  23. 6:25 Disk Kun is more like a Japanese personification of the word “Disk”. In Japanese , it’s common to add “Kun” after a boy’s name. The Japanese way of pronouncing “disk” would be Di-Su-Ku. They just add an “N” at the end to become Di-Su-Kun ➡️ Disk Kun!! (Disk Boy, or some sorts)

  24. 40:00 I really love that detail! They show the “brotherly love” Mario & Luigi share. It also reminds me how, when I was younger, I always helped my brother get through the levels when we played Mario games co-op too! It’s such a wholesome movie! ❤️💚

  25. The only thing missing from this wonderful movie is maybe 10-15 minutes of exposition spread through a few scenes, just to give it a little bit of depth. I loved it and can’t wait to see it again.

    When it comes home, I WILL own a physical copy, just like my games!


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