open book mail with me! *including my most anticipated book of the year so far*

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32 thoughts on “open book mail with me! *including my most anticipated book of the year so far*”

  1. Your videos inspire us. I want to continue working for a world where children are not killed or otherwise protected. However, sometimes I have difficulty focusing on my work. My heart aches for what is happening in Gaza. What do you recommend for concentration?

  2. Sooooo excited for Anton’s debut novel. He’s such a gem. Also intrigued for the new Julia Armfield, I loved her stories in Salt Slow, yet have shamefully not read Our Wives Under The Sea, yet I know I’ll love it. You’ve reminded me to get to it!

  3. On the whole lost-in-translation 'parcel' vs 'package' thing: I used to work at Guitar Center in Nashville. One day an English man came in to check out the guitars. He asked for a lead. "Lead?" I repeated, not understanding. "Yes, lead. Lead. So I can plug in the guitar." "Oh! A cable!" I promptly handed him a guitar cable. He thought I was an idiot, and I thought 'how wonderful, I've learned a new word!'

  4. These authors must be so ecstatic seeing Jack open their books! I hope that one day, my book can make a journey to him in a mysterious brown box! I would fall out of my seat.

  5. Ooooh! Could you do a follow-up on the Linda Barry art/word workbook? I'd love to hear about your experience going through it.
    I wonder if it's similar to something like those "destroy this" journals

  6. Good morning Jack. There it nothing better than getting a book or ten in the post! Very exciting.
    I appreciate you must be reading 25 hours a day at the moment but I'd like to propose something to you. Would you consider reading one of my recent novels, 'With Every Breath '. In return, I'll buy you a book of your choice. Two extra book packages for you to look forward to!
    You can't blame a chap for trying. 😊

  7. Hahaha I am from India and used to my colonisers vocabulary too and use parcels.. but I'm currently working in the US as an urban designer and turns out that a single lot of land here is called a 'parcel' and that is probably what the guy thought lolol

  8. deeply obsessed with jack getting a present from apple tv and not even pretending hes going to read the book or watch the programme, just drink the whiskey lolll


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