OFF-WORLD: SUBMARINE location scout Aquarius Reef Base, Florida Keys

Proudly Human’s Off-World Project is series of off-grid habitation experiments in some of the most extreme environments on the planet, in preparation for life on the Moon, Mars and beyond, as well as a resilient future here on Earth.

After 40 days in the driest region of the Namib desert, and 40 days of polar night in the Arctic circle, the culmination of the series of experiments will entail a final selection of six experts living underwater in Florida International University’s Aquarius Reef Base in the Florida Keys.

The conditions of isolation and confinement within a habitat providing necessary life-support in an environment without breathable air has parallels with the long-duration spaceflight necessary to travel to Mars or beyond. The team will live as a community, operating and augmenting existing infrastructure including power, water, air, food and communication systems for a mission objective of 78 days underwater: the return flight duration to Mars and back on Ad Astra Rocket Company’s experimental VASIMR rocket, as well as a new world record.

Thank you to Research Director Thomas Potts for showing me around 😎

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