NYS Trooper Tries to Gaslight Journalist & Fails Misrably! When Will They Learn? 1st Amendment Audit

Fellow Patriots & Freedom lovers, On May 25th 2022 I was peacefully exercising my 1st Amendment rights at the NYS Trooper Headquarters / Academy in Albany. While there I ran into some cadets and tried to have a conversation with them when they were ordered inside. Soon after I went inside and because I was filming in a direction the Sgt didn’t like I was apparently looking for a confrontation….I told him he was…you be the judge. Please be sure to hit the like button, it truly helps spread this around for more Patriots to see it and I appreciate it!

If you feel the need to peacefully petition your grievances against your government or commend any public servants behavior regarding this incident I will leave public contact information below. Always remember, this is your right under the 1st Amendment to the U.S Constitution!

NYS Police Headquarters / Academy

+1 (518) 457-6811

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44 thoughts on “NYS Trooper Tries to Gaslight Journalist & Fails Misrably! When Will They Learn? 1st Amendment Audit”

  1. Sean your 100 % right. I think there is more of a public area to view. You might have to go back into the tyrant training pit. Show how much they are overpaid to act like that.

  2. That is scary when the sergeant doesn't know the law and he's a trainer that should be addressed ASAP he's making his department look very bad thanks to the auditor for doing a good job and exposing these tyrants

  3. Hey SP, maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to send a copy of this video to the NY Governor, or the State Police Commandant, and ask them if this is the way they would like future State Troopers to be trained how to interact with the public.

  4. A future law enforcement officer has a choice-something like being raised by a father figure…do I want to have tyrant tendencies like this trainer or should I serve the public genuinely….it’s obvious there’s a deep rooted issue with this guy…..and most law enforcement people are always pointing and making commands like we the people are being trained animals…smh…..I must except! Some people are a certain way an I can’t get it out of my head is caffeine or some kind of speeder add to their system…..smh

  5. The academy students were responding to you like military basic trainees…"Sir! Yes Sir"! No wonder when they get to the streets they have the mentality like a soldier in a foreign country where enemy exists…..And then the trooper was an obvious tyrant that is a perfect example of the quote "Those that can't do, Teach" obviously the Trooper has no idea of the laws of the 1st amendment nor the ability to interact with the public so he trains the future State Police…SAD!

  6. The tiny cowboy hats are fucking hilarious af. Definitely makes them look less than manly. Reminds me of Terry from Reno 911 in the tiny sombrero.

  7. Open Letter to Long Island Audit/Sean Reyes
    I First Will Apologize for the way you were treated at the NYS Police Academy. Secondly , I will tell you that certain individuals have been Dealt with in the most harshest of terms. Reprimands and Suspensions were handed out. Individuals were retrained in the proper way to deal with Auditors. We are making sure this kind of Behavior will not be repeated.
    Warmest Regards for bringing this to our attention. Your Friend The Captain.


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