No Man's Sky Tips & Tricks | Figuring Frigate Fuel – Math Ewww! | Orbital 4.6

No Man’s Sky Tips & Tricks | Figuring Frigate Fuel – Math Ewww! | Orbital 4.6

Today is another Tips & Tricks video all about Frigates in No Man’s Sky! One part of using a frigate fleet is that frigate missions cost frigate fuel, go figure! And figuring is exactly what we are going to do today, in the form of some basic math. We go over the way fuel cost rounding occurs, and then we cover frigate expeditions. The calculations require you to know the Light Year distance of a specific mission, and the fuel cost per lightyear of each frigate you wish to add to that mission. We also briefly talk about freighter upgrade modules from derelict freighters again, and how they let us not only have fuel free missions, but to actually create fuel out of thin air.


3 thoughts on “No Man's Sky Tips & Tricks | Figuring Frigate Fuel – Math Ewww! | Orbital 4.6”

  1. I actually didn't realize (though you have said it before) that you gain the fuel. I have had missions that cost zero but I didn't watch to see if I had gained fuel. I have made fuel tho so that messes that up LOL . Thank You for doing this again. I realize it takes an extra cup of coffee. 😀


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