No Man's Sky Orbital – How To Use Trade Surges – Captain Steve Plays NMS Guide – EP014

No Man’s Sky is an action-adventure survival game played from a first or third person perspective that allows players to engage in five principal activities: exploration, survival, combat, trading and base building. The player takes the role of a specimen of alien humanoid planetary explorer, known in-game as the Traveller, in an uncharted universe. They start on a randomized planet near a crashed spacecraft towards the edge of the galaxy and are equipped with a survival exosuit with a jetpack, and a “multitool” that can be used to scan, mine and collect resources as well as to attack or defend oneself from creatures and hostile forces. The player can collect, repair, and refuel the craft, allowing them to travel about the planet, between other planets and space stations in the local planetary system, engage in space combat with alien factions, or make hyperspace jumps to other star systems. While the game is open-ended, the player may follow the guidance of the entity known as The Atlas to head toward the centre of the galaxy.
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38 thoughts on “No Man's Sky Orbital – How To Use Trade Surges – Captain Steve Plays NMS Guide – EP014”

  1. 2:35 exactly right. i did chuckle on the last vid about the misinterpretation of the time limit, i would assume you can spend 2.5 hrs flying about buying as much stuff as you can afford then zoom back to the surge place and sell, has anyone made more profit doing that than finding/selling a robot ship which get 20-30mill?

  2. Best thing to do is keep warping to different mercantile station , feel up your boots with thousounds of similar items and then teleport back to the trade surge station (as you'll probably be quite far by then) hopefully a profit will run into 100s of millions.

  3. The better way is to go to a lot of specific economy systems and seek trading outposts with the economy scanner (higher discounts) and sell all at once in bulk in the system marked with the surge, to avoid crashing the economy for yourself by multiple big sells. Also probably best at its trading outpost because higher profit than at the space station

  4. I still have my XBOX ONE S that I had originally played this game on. I don't play on it & this game as much as I used to before I purchased my PS4(I still have it). I keep it as a collectible * as a back up.

  5. During the whole video the only thing I could focus on was… "is it merSantile or merKantile?"
    Thanks for the great video again, I have barely played the update yet and in no need of unit, but I totally missed that new feature!

  6. i looked yesterday if any of you did a single video about it, found out something myself.
    but check here if i missed anything, thx Cap.
    PSEdit: you made the same beginning error as me: i bought in the system at 10 different Tradepost. but the Profit Marker did not show anything as i sold off.

    btw at least the 1st surge showed a wrong Text. It said the surge was in Euklid. … Mumpitz, it was clearly in my current active Galaxy.

    Loading my whole exo Suit Inventory up i made 90millions on the 1st run, and still had half the time left. its worth it imho. i bet if i plan a bit better and choose rich Systems and use Ship Inventory it will get way better. just jump to the richest Systems one after another until Inventory is full or no more money left.

  7. If the goal is just to generate units, and not enjoying the trading aspect, time would be better spent scrapping sentinel ships, assuming you have a few open ship slots. With those ships it is easy to get 100 million or more in 15-20 minutes.

  8. You want tips? 🤔 Install a teleporter in your freighter, then you can access it's main inventory from anywhere – even different systems (I noticed you don't have one). Also cargo scans don't scan your freighter 😁

  9. Everyone should go to the zendesk and ask Hello Seans to put in more colors across all customizations for everything definitely for ships but player characters need better colors. Black for the characters are greenish. They should update the colors so they all match atleast. Also iv been getting anyone to tell them to please make the bulky fighter sides be a separate thing and maybe make afew different styles but make a "fighter hull extension" or something and have that be a slot for those bulky sides since they really aren't wings then make it so we can use those bulky sides with standard big wings because the fighter while equipped with the bulky sides would look way better with the big wings as an option. ALSO they had different wings to go on those bulky sides and those wings from before the game evn launched had some wings that had guns on them. Or look like it anyway. They look really cool

    Also ir would be cool if they made the space stations match colors from the outside and inside that way they look like they were actually made by a race of aliens and not procedurally with a computer lol. They look great but if they matched colors on the inside the same as outside it would be greater!

  10. (In relation to Appolo's message early on)
    "If the walls between worlds really are falling? Maybe we'll be able to have a drink together before the apocalypse, after all."

    Perhaps this is how we end up getting introduced to the realm of glass and such? The walls fall and the void opens in a sense? Just speculating as always lol.

  11. I guess…. trading is just really boring though? Just some clicks and loading screen wait times. I was really hoping there would be more depth to it.

    At least more reward. There’s just so little reason to even bother. Units are a joke.

  12. Surge timer keeps resetting, surge log stops updating the amount of units you sold, eventually stops telling you which system has the surge, pirate freighter HUD stays stuck on screen even after the attack is over, and it tells you to destroy them for a large reward even though you never get a reward after they surrendered. The bugs are all over the place lol.

    Also, I noticed the guild now gives you anomaly detectors which is AMAZING to me. For the first time ever we have a way to get them that doesn't involve RNG asteroid mining.
    I still think it should be a buyable item but only from the scrap dealer for tainted metal so we have a reason to keep visiting him.

  13. i think there's no need for hg to lock the difficulty changing setting behind anything,
    the trade and everything is in the game so players can use to earn money etc and its up to the player to decide if he or she wants to be a trader or wants to earn money etc the traditional way instead of changing the difficulty, its the player not the game or hg that is making the playthrough easier, just because 1 can it doesn't 1 should especially if a player really feels strongly about it,then that player won't change the difficulty he'll just play the game with the difficulty settings chosen imo

  14. Yes Captain, Data injections are giving you glyphs. If you already had some, then you’ll get all 16, before data injection 16/16 where you get to pick the galaxy you hop to.

  15. Hey captian any idea why I'm not finding ships on space stations just moved from a korvax system as only find 1 kind of ship now been standing in vykeen for 20 mins and no ships have came in on the xbox update

  16. I mine Sentinal ships to get my Units while searching for an S class, takes sometime but I create a base at the camp so I can teleport to it then grab the ships, fly them to the space station, scrap them, teleport to the camp and do it over again. Get 14 – 50 mil each ship dependiong on the class. Takes about 5 minutes per ship.
    The Trading is for peeps wanting to do a trading type char, I have been toying with doing a fresh start and doing just that.
    Anyways great vid as alway Capt.!!!! Thanks

  17. The game is very well balanced regarding getting stuff in normal mode. If you cheat to get free stuff, it cheats you out of game-play.. It doesn't make sense to do that to me. I've never done it, nor duplicated anything nor done any shortcuts. The only thing I've used the sliders for is to increase the difficulty for the pirate escape runs that jason was doing, which gives you something to do while waiting for the next update.

  18. Unless they have changed it, it is better to sell to the landed ships instead of the trade terminal. It doesn't (didn't) crash the economy. Or do it all at once if you have the storage space. As for switching the game mode, I just don't do that for anything that I am having fun with. I don't need limits on when I can/can't switch. I have over 6000 hours now and have never found the need to switch modes.

  19. I really wish we could build frigate fleet missions that could combine frigates of different types, that could self develop their own trade routes, and give them something like 100,000 light year lengths (adjusted with fuel oxidizers and support frigates of course) where explorers develop new routes, traders negotiate terms, industrial frigates reprocess goods, and combat frigates handle security in all it's forms. The higher class you have built your frigates up through, the better the return, but they also work to train frigates when they have developed a milk run. There may be other varieties of fleet missions that it would be nice if you could encourage the navigator to drop into the collection of mission types as well.

  20. 18:57 The "difficulty" menu is from Hello Games but is NOT cannon!! It's there for convenience at the player's discretion!! This video is a great example!!! If you're going to use the difficulty menu to disregard units, there's no point to even do a "Trade Surge" mission. Trade Surge missions are for players that choose not to use the difficulty menu to get stuff for free!!!

  21. A while back I used search for NMS streamers that were just getting started and tell them about "my helpful planet that has bases on it to help with early game and only needs the first 2 glyphs to get to" and I never found a single streamer that wanted to visit that planet!! They always said something like; "that sounds like cheating" or "I want to find my own way through the game"!!! I doubt that anyone that starts a "normal" game after seeing the option for "creative" would be interested in using the difficulty menu to make things free!!!

  22. Unfortunately, Trade Surge gave me a kick in the teeth last night, and has left me in a bit of a no mans land feeling not knowing what to do with myself.
    I activated the the surge, went around buying lots of stuff, filling all my slots, went to the system it suggested, and all items I purchased were worthless, it was all in the negatives. Spent fudging ages looking for systems that would buy my stuff for profit. Felt like Del Boy buying stuff no one wanted.
    I'm also finding my mega build struggles to load, (ps4) and I wouldn't say its even mega yet! I've built bigger without issues. Getting a wee bit frustrated


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