New World | Will Streamers Ruin it?

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The panel goes into what impact they feel streamers will have on changes to New World (and other games) after the recent New World PVP Scaling changes and debate surrounding it.
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7 thoughts on “New World | Will Streamers Ruin it?”

  1. Warhammer Online, which is PvP MMORPG, has zones from lvl 1 – 40 and they are sectioned by levels. If you are high level with full talent tree and go to low lvl zone, it turns you into a chicken, but if you remove talent points, it just scales you down to that level and have max stats for that level, but need low level gear to do anything.
    But this system wasn't popular and those low level zones were pretty empty, because all best action was at max level and players too spread.

  2. To be honest the majority of streamers have ruined games for me and my outlook on games for the past 5+ years. It's only been this year that I have severley culled my streamer follow list as I noticed I started to despise games and gaming and for me playing video games is my mental respite from my job as a mental health carer and the stresses of parenthood and life.
    I reviewed which streamers to follow and made sure I surrounded my online viewing to streamers who I can relate too and seem to relate to me.
    As for streamers and their influence that's just the way it is these days and how game companies push their products….free advertising almost.
    I Enjoy the content as always Brian, take care.

  3. How the scaling in closed beta was almost perfect IF the servers worked and the hitboxes etc. Higher level should NOT give a bigger chanse to kill someone atleast not much. A nolife gamer could level upp fast af but sould still be able to lose agianst good players with a life. Otherwise I assure many MANY will just let the pvp be off because its sucks to be ganked with some noobies that trying to kill low level players just to boost theier own noobiness because they cant kill someone at their own "level".

  4. I think streamers certainly have the ability to ruin games, it mainly depends on the game developers and whether they listen to those streamers. Unfortunately, we have a society right now where the squeaky wheel gets the grease. If only 10 people are upset about something and scream loudly, then people in charge listen to them despite the 10,000 people that are perfectly happy with things. That isn't just a gaming problem, you can see it everywhere in society. The few select loud people make changes, because everyone else wants them to shut up and just bug off.

    Concerning the PVP in new world conversation. You could just implement a block on PVP between level ranges. E.x. you can only PVP someone within 5 or 10 levels of you. Make settlement defense, and wars only able to be entered by those within 5-10 levels of the max. The reason for this is, again unfortunately, if people can bully other people they will. Any PVP focus game you can see this. It doesn't matter if there is absolutely 0 gain, a max level player will go slaughter newbies and laugh about it. Probably while streaming. Elite dangerous is a great example, Albion online another. It's like all these people that are gamers, nerds, geeks, and were bullied in high school feel the need to get revenge on others. These same people will run and hide if anyone of equal power and skill comes around. They want nothing more than to ruin peoples days and brag about it. It's extremely sad to see, and shows just how little empathy our world has right now. The days of helping newbies are few and far between. It's also the reason I'm very glad PVP is opt into, I have no desire to play with people just trying to boost their sad little ego's but I am super hyped for New World and 50 v 50 wars.

    Barring that, skill should trump levels, but gear should trump skill. E.x. a wooden sword won't break plate armor regardless of skill. Doesn't matter if your level 60 if your using crap gear, you should lose even if your skill is legendary. Conversaly, a skilled level 50 with solid gear should be able to beat a level 60 with weak gear and good skill.

  5. == Church of Disrespect == (Covenant) Will be CLAIMING Camelot US West as THE PVP Server.. we will destroy all you nubs/streamers alike.. WE WANT PVP so don't come unflagged!! We Want The Smoke!!


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