New World Trade Skill Aptitude Guide! Crafting Gypsum System!

New World Endgame Trade Skill Aptitude Guide changes crafting & high watermark / expertise farming! Gypsum from trade skills like refining, gathering, crafting …


23 thoughts on “New World Trade Skill Aptitude Guide! Crafting Gypsum System!”

  1. how many will be left after the new water mark crap goes live so i buy or craft lvl 600 gear becuase i lazy so the game now will nerf my 600 gear i worked hard to get coin to buy or weeks crafting to make and nerf me to my so called 505 level water mark great we will luv that NOT

  2. spend more time listening to utube videos trying to keep up then i do playing not good why not talk about things people want like alts can only play one toon online at a time so why game to tight on them lest then i could have a couple different builds without changeing and paying over aand over yesy this game is dead anyone can see the numbers

  3. last for today so many changing servers cuase one fraction eventually takes over the biggest hunk just log on to servers u see well that will always happen over and over so 2/3 will always be pissed and looking to change servers

  4. shiw us that u not paid to say all this in a good light when its all crap and a smack in the face what they doing why cant we just add to a house to update then loose all the coins and have to buy a upgrade o and of course atfer new years when the pay to play stuff goes live

  5. Jewelcrafting requires some 900k for the tier three reward which is only one bottle of suspended azoth ( see nwdw info database ). This game is unbelieveable and i am glad that i have decided to quit it.

  6. If the chest contents are just place holders, fishing could be really good but if they stay the same they are kinda trash. But the main problem is good places to fish mostly have bad legendarys. (Fishing 0-200 is do able in about 24hours at lv 60 if you power level)

  7. One concern is a lot of skills have no use after 200. Arcana you can always make potions. Same with cooking You can make items like armor or jewelry for people but that won't give much. Feels like you will have to brute force these if you want the boxes.

  8. Thank you for your guides to these new features. Could you make a video on the timeless shards? I didn't have the time to test these out, but I heard they are not neutral shards you can use on any weapon or armor but weapon or armor specific, so still too much rng going on.

  9. All this is kinda useless. If you're the kind of person that spend most of their time crafting… enough time needed to actually get these crates, then you aren't spending your time grinding your 'HWM/expertise'. So yes, you can now craft even more 600 GS stuff… but its useless to you because your HWM is probably like 520. This update is a joke, you only get rewarded if you serged chests and mobs at release. This update is a slap in the face to a huge number of players so please voice that very common opinion in your videos. If there is no light shed on the issues then the devs wont care


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