New World Set A Steam Record, Now It's "Mixed"

New World is now officially launched! So what are people saying? What’s the general first impressions on the game? Well, judging by Steam’s reviews, probably not ideal! It’s sitting around the 50% mixed range, but that could heavily be due to the login & server issues. As much as it isn’t good, typically things like this do happen with MMO releases.

Have you had a chance to play it? If so, what are you initial thoughts? Let us know in the comments! We certainly are going to dive in more, so it would be great to find out what your plans for the game are!

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00:00 Intro
00:40 The Story – Overcoming the Amazon Curse
06:18 The Analysis – Underestimating Popularity
07:59 Impressions – Is New World Worth A Look?


48 thoughts on “New World Set A Steam Record, Now It's "Mixed"”

  1. I'm enjoying the hella out of New World, all of the mixed reviews are from Queue times the game is super fun otherwise and i'd say has a great future ahead of it, with Amazon behind this game i'm expecting a lot of content in the future, it's funny ppl compare a new release to decades years old game that had multiple years of expansion, some people are really biased towards the games they play.

  2. Im loving it. Our faction the syndicate already took zones. Therevalot of opportunity to coe both hardcore and casual. Because hardcore plYers will be grabbing zones and setti v the tax rate and cSuLz with be the taxable citizenz who buy homes etc and pay that rate. Its quite unique. I mean its an mmo with pvp and simulation management. Now if they would allow a fuedal society or allow king and queen in said controlled areas and what gov forms to take it could be quite intrresting. Not that its not.

  3. 1k queue.. 7k queue or more. Ofc people would complain.
    There is all this hype, but tbh I don't think new world is the replace for wow or something like that. And don't misunderstand me: I'm quite enjoying the game: it's what I wanted (even tho people crying about level scaling has changed a bit my taste for the game.). I was missing a mmo with mass war siege games ( a bit like gw2, and gw2 is awesome to me, but lack players). Amazon is right to listen to players, but they REALLY need to analyze what they will do better.

  4. I looked up world of warcraft server population and it said wow servers were only 1200 but recently expanded to 2000 so i dont know why everyone is calling new world small

  5. I wont account the Twitch numbers.
    It is an Amazon game.
    And which company OWNS twitch?

    Amazon promoting Amazon isnt something you can trust. If they put on the Amazon game stuff on the main site of twitch or in feeds or whatever (dont know, Im not on twitch at all), it is manipulative behaviour. Something you have to expect from greedy corpos

  6. The game ain't bad, but it also is nothing special, at least for now. My only real complain about it is the lack of pve content/lore (placing random books ain't lore) and the mediocre character customization. How a 2021 "mmorpg" can have worse character customization than wow is beyond me.

    From my point of view in it's current state unless their content patch-cycle is quick enough, the population drop is gonna be massive within a couple of weeks.

  7. maybe they just decided that the world would not end if they played on any of the NON – streamer servers that have no que at all. i hope they all choke to death on their tears. it's a sad day when the only thing wrong is you cant get on a twitch stream so you cry your eyes out and thrash around on the floor like a 2 year old

  8. Once again the consumers giving big companies a pass on releasing garbage.

    This games still in beta or early access and YOU are testing the game for them, countless bugs, server issues, queue times, frame rate issues and many more yet I keep hearing "it will get better." Ya we thought the same thing about Cyberpunk to and the only people that improved Cyberpunk was the modders.

    This game is early access and not worth more than 25$ its another year out from being even close to a "top 5 MMORPG."

    Mark my words in a few more weeks we will detailed videos from guys like Bellular, Preach and others saying this games not done and it's a fail.

  9. Man, the animations look like they're straight from a trash free-to-play game. I haven't tried the game, but the whole thing looks like they released it way too soon because they rebooted the project too many times and just wanted to release something.

  10. "At what point do I runescape?"
    Anytime. All the time.
    Unless you're ina hurry…and if you're ina hurry I'll say this, calm down…its not that serious, youre gonna hurry your way into nothing to do.

  11. Amazon must’ve had some idea of how many people were going to try and play on launch, so why aren’t more/larger servers?

    Granted that’s a question I have for most MMO launches at this point, because at this point publishers should have a decent estimate of their potential player numbers. Two hour queues aren’t excusable unless you get a sudden player influx, and even then it’s got to be a huge influx.

  12. Speaking of the "Amazon curse" you should see the number of blocked requests my pi hole catches while running the game. Last I checked I believe it was right around 16k blocked requests in the last 24hr cycle. For comparison, it's about 8.5 times more blocked than our Firestick, which was the worst offender on my network by far until playing New World.

  13. They game looks great, but man I hated the gameplay/combat system.. Despite preordering it, I uninstalled it today and got my refund.. Perhaps give it another try when they revamp things. The Ques I understand and not why I got a refund, despite hitting over 8900 in que at one point. I played WoW in vanilla and have dealt with this before and that would get fixed when they add more servers. Which they did and fixed it mostly..

  14. Seems like most people aren't satisfied with PvE content. Considering that's what most people play in MMOs, New World won't last long. World building isn't remotely necessary if PvP is the only good thing in your MMO. A RTS like StarCraft had great lore but amazing PvP; however, that's what most RTS's rely on for years of gameplay. Anyways, definitely letting my buddies / old guild mates play New World for awhile before I dip in. I almost never buy games new unless the company has had a previous release in the same game franchise that was successful, and I personally played (almost always on-sale).

  15. The weird thing to me is that I only got a queue of 12 people, at least that's what the game showed, and yet it still took ~40 minutes. Happened both times I logged in on launch day. Seems strange when I hear people talking about queues of thousands taking between 30 minutes and 2 hours. Makes me wonder if the count read out was wrong on my end.

  16. I joined at 394 people in que. It took well over 3 hours. I watched 3 episodes of squid game befor I was in. There hour long episodes. Honestly. I have no interest in playing que simulator.

  17. We are 2 days after launch and everyday I login new. I come home from work and than 2-3 hours waiting. Its always 2k+ in the list. New servers will not fix the issues. I already lvl a character on day one. I dont want to start all over again on a new server. And nobody on my server wants that. They want to play with their character now. The player cap of 2k has to increase and the game cant probably do that.

  18. I did not have any queue problems here in Canada. I always managed to log into the game in just a few seconds. The main problem with the game is that it's just meh and gets boring really fast. Also it was taking forever to shut down the game. I've already uninstalled it and I'm not planning on coming back to it in the near future. It looks really good but I just went back to ESO, FFXIV and yes, WoW.


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