New World – Official Open Beta Announcement Trailer | gamescom 2021

Play Amazon’s MMO New World during an open beta, launching September 9, announced during gamescom 2021. Catch a look at what to expect in this extended trailer. The New World release date is Sep 28

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41 thoughts on “New World – Official Open Beta Announcement Trailer | gamescom 2021”

  1. After playing the beta I’m just worried what kind of work will be put in post release since it’s not subbed. Will there be substantial updates outside of periodic dlc they’re bound to have?

  2. I'm glad there have been tests for this game before this but still don't like devs doing betas less than a month before full release

    I'm sure there is some data that can be gotten thats useful that they can implement changes for, but theres always that what if something just isn't right and there isn't enough time to do anything about it.


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