New World – How to AoE With The Rapier!

Everyone thinks the Rapier in New World is a single target DPS weapon. Well do I have news for you! The Rapier is one of the better weapons you can use to not only chain stun groups of mobs, but you can also use it to reset cooldowns infinitely to be able to do very high amounts of burst damage to groups very quickly. This video will show you how to AoE with the rapier so you can farm more efficiently or DPS in dungeons like a pro.

I show off the weapon talents, the gear, and the skill rotation so you can get the most damage and stay protected while AoE mob farming. The rapier is a very powerful weapon once you level it up enabling to be very mobile while doing lots of damage and being immune to damage.

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17 thoughts on “New World – How to AoE With The Rapier!”

  1. Benji!!! You gotta do a video on the bug with aoe my guy it's running rampant right now and no one else has even touched it from what I can see. Idk about all aoe but flame pillar and ice storm are so inconsistent and bugged right now they dont even work.

  2. Playing rapier is the only reason I've enjoyed things after lvl 30. Rapier is just so incredibly satisfying. Vs solo elites it's like punchout. You study the attack patterns and respond to cues. Vs packs you run around, poking one or two at a time, until you can fleche through them back and forth with a kill each time to reset the CD. I've solo cleared rifts this way and it just feels so good, body kiting with risk of death for a failed maneuver. Try the fleche trick, using heavy attacks and evades to set up good fleches, also with the goal of taking 0 hits yourself. You feel like Syrio Forel.

    It's too bad the devs clearly have no idea what they're doing. This game has little sparks of enormous fun, but they sold us what is at best a beta product SOMEHOW after all these years of development. I figure they probably realized they were never going to figure out how to make it work (for a price they were willing to pay) so they just decided to cash out before the game even released.

    So, try rapier before you too quit. It's worth exploring the grace tree because it's so fun.

  3. Nice vid! I'm using Flurry to do aoe dmg. It reduces cooldown per enemy hit, so when hitting a mob you basically have infinite flurry, which does a crazzzzy amount of aoe dmg!

  4. @SwoleBenji i joined your discord server to make friends . i maybe asked a mod or someone – i just see . 4-5 chennel . is there no more Chennel . and he blocked me . and then .baned me. this the rewards . for supporting you?! i think you need to manage your discord mods .😣

  5. Wow Swolebenji I was a person convinced that the Rapier was single target focused but there you go again busting myths.. Should you do a Mythbusting series for new world? For example, remember that in game note about the bread fishing bait and the fishing? I’ve been dying to see what all the notes are about yo


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