New World: Forged in Aeternum – Community Q&A (June 2024)

With the announcement of New World: Aeternum, Scot Lane (Game Director), Katy Kaszynski (Live Lead / Senior Producer) and David Verfaillie (Creative Director) tackle your biggest questions.

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39 thoughts on “New World: Forged in Aeternum – Community Q&A (June 2024)”

  1. Add weapons daggers flint locks ext…..add pvp modes capture the flag maybe? How about OPR Map for each Zone? Maybe make your controller support fucking adaptable?

  2. I put about 6500 hours into this game, had a great time making some content for it, and had faith in you guys to release stuff that the entire community has waited on for over 3 years. We couldn't even play in OPR for the first 2 months+ of release and here we are 3 years later with the same exact map with no changes. Now there's a "pvp only zone" that's just going to get camped by every bow/musket in the game lol. You guys straight up baited the entire PC community of players who have paid your bills while tossing people who paid for the game/expansions a tiny bone of "fresh content" that should have been featured in the first place. People don't care about swimming and useless hours spent in programming stuff like this when it could have been used to just create OPR maps that rotate every week, etc. The "end game content" half the time is limited just like the "3 a day" mini fights basically which leaves people to do the same exact thing that they've been doing for the past 3 years. Even the season events are just regurgitated outfits and rewards. Yall have/had an amazing opportunity to be one of the best games in the genre and just let it fall right out of your hands by focusing on all of the wrong stuff. It's the same 100 people across what servers are left fighting in wars, and the same 20 people in OPR half the time. On top of it all, you guys are saying "hold tight til October for more content" whenever Scott said the EXACT same stuff back in January, but instead all PC players just get told to be excited by console release, like comeon.. Yall better wake up and smell the roses because this ENTIRE game has a total of 4000 population.

  3. I'm no programmer, but I know that these things take a good amount of work not just to code-in, but to troubleshoot. Your upgrades to the game have been awesome, and I'm SO excited that you've added single-player trials. Finding folks to quest with is sometimes problematic and I'm perfectly happy to test myself against the trial. So far the things you've added have been great, so thank you for all of your team's hard-work. Can't wait to experience it. 👍😊

  4. My main question is who picks the questions that are asked? They want a clean game. Well they have had almost 3 years to fix the current bugs. So with the record NW has had why should we believe you?

  5. It's time to stop answering our questions, because every time you attempt to do so, you just piss the entire player base off all over again. Get your devs back to work and create the MMO we all know New World is supposed to be. You lack basic shit an MMO is supposed to have, then tell us "wait for friday for a big announcement".. announcement comes and its "we're coming to console"… and we're supposed to be excited for that? seriously? How out of touch with your player base must you actually be? Perhaps its just time to shut this project down and focus on something new… wait.. scratch that… just shut down the project, AGS as ruined its reputation entirely with this project.

    I wanted to love New World so bad from the early alphas I played in.. I even gave the shittier version a chance in the betas that came out in 2019… then I even gave the super shittier version a chance at the 2019 launch. Game is absolute trash in comparison to what it used to be in the early stages of development. You know it, we know it, its time to move on from it.

    The leadership absolutely has no idea what a "road map" is, nor does it adhere to it. I'm done with New World, I'm done with AGS. and I know I'm not the only one.

    Good riddens, you've stung me for the last time.

  6. thats a lot of words just to say "we haven't done anything for pc players, we gave up on the game 2 years ago, but Amazon wants us to make it playable on console so they can squeeze a little bit of money out of the game before it undoubtably dies" you can swear up and down about how many "changes" you're making, but every time you've said it its genuinely broken and or delayed. you might be the worst group of devs ive seen in my 2 decades of gaming

  7. I've been playing new world since day one and since from the very beginning you all have promised us PC players a lot more than what you give and you have never given what you have promised and now you have gotten so money greedy that all these extras at PC players were supposed to get that you promised you have not provided and you pretty much threw us PC players under the bus just so you can make more money for Xbox and PlayStation you do realize you're going to make your game fail now I can tell you this much I won't be back you have ruined the game I'm not the only PC player that has quit all because of your stupidity for greed

  8. What a terrible team, one worse than the other, Amazon should fire everyone, close the game and relaunch after 1-2 years with a decent team, this Katty thinks she's killing it, giggling like that, what bubble do they live in?

  9. They need to make a new new world too Teleport or Gate or Fast Travel too with new stories, monsters, adventures too add onto your experience. Keep base game the same, but add a new world to travel too that is voxial based survival world look at other games in development like Light No Fire or Enshrouded, or Soul Mask, ect… and build something that competes with those player bases…

  10. I play the game sometimes to play OPR. If the new update comes with content we have to buy, I'll delete the game. The game is already dead, I'm trying to enjoy OPR. You guys are so bad, look at these comments.

  11. Guys i truly believe this game is going to be the best MMO sooner or later mark my words it just needs tons of time to work on it,the only reason why this game is not best like world of warcraft is because they made a game with the best graphics and released it way too early being hungry for money,if they really were more patient and decided to spend couple of more years to work on missing stuffs in this game and to promote and give even better story with better cinematics this game would be a piece of art,but i still believe in couple of years from now this game will be something else just give it a time it has huge potential

  12. Vocês são ridículos. Parabéns por conseguirem matar um jogo tão lindo e promissor como o NW. Parabéns por literalmente cagar na cara dos jogadores que LITERALMENTE se forçaram a jogar esse jogo que parece ainda estar no beta. O jogo está morrendo, no SA o servidor não passa de 300 pessoas em horário de pico e durante a manhã tem 50/60 online e o GRANDE ANÚNCIO é que o jogo vai pra console???? Sem novos conteúdos até outubro??? A gente joga essa merda desde o beta e esse é o máximo que conseguem nos apresentar? Tirem esse sorriso falso do rosto, ninguém está satisfeito. Vá trabalhar em um end game descente antes de querer levar um jogo falido no PC, para consoles…

  13. The game was destined to be a failure the moment they decided to make it a PvP focused game. MMORPG's live and die by the playerbase who engage with the PVE side of things. PvP players are a minor part of the game community. Most people want PvE content and dabble in PvP then maybe if they like it become more dedicated PvP'ers.

  14. The Critically-Acclaimed MMORPG FINAL FANTASY 14. 💯😎

    With an expanded Free-trial which you can play through the entirety of the Heavensward,

    and the Stormblood Expansions up to level 70 for FREE with no restrictions on playtime.

    Discover a massive World with deep Story and fight the most difficult Bosses in all MMORPGs.

  15. I'll never play another game where Scot and/or Katy are leads. This is one of the worst management team I ever seen. How can you make mistake after mistake after mistake after mistake and still retain your job is a mystery to me.


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