NEW Warhammer 40k Event Rewards & Operator Bundles EARLY GAMEPLAY SHOWCASE! – Modern Warfare 3

NEW Warhammer 40k Event Rewards & Operator Bundles EARLY GAMEPLAY SHOWCASE! – Modern Warfare 3 Credit: …


40 thoughts on “NEW Warhammer 40k Event Rewards & Operator Bundles EARLY GAMEPLAY SHOWCASE! – Modern Warfare 3”

  1. Oh neat a weapon effect and makes them burst and rain blood everywhere…. Don’t forget you still can’t say bad words on voice chat or they ban you. This is a kid friendly game after all.

  2. Wow. I was kinda of excited about the warhammer bundles but 3,000 and basically duplicates with different colors and your not a full space marine only a scout. The sister of battle looks like a dude. The event rewards seem very weak. They probably should have devoted the entire season to warhammer that way everyone could get their own chapter and throw in chaos and other races. Seems like a missed opportunity. I actually uninstalled cod and then my friends buys me the premium 3 days later, the only reason i go the cod points to spend. Then I hear about this event to be disappointed. I feel like i lost twice, my hardrive and that glimmer of excitment i had 🙁 Is this what they call despair?

  3. The first 2 bundles have weapons I consistently use. I hope the jak amp for the sidewinder and haymaker dont affect the blueprints, cause a heavy ass shotgun with a massive clip in 40k aesthetics in a fps is sick shit.
    *Edit this comment aged like milk. Im working on the sidewinder to get max level and gold but for the haymaker the gun is ruined putting the jak attachment on dismemberment, aesthetic and all. At least i can put other attachments on and its a dope lookin 40k gun.

  4. Seriously, I feel like they shouldve opted for a single loyalist chapter, and brought in Chaos as apart of the event, like Black Legion or Word Bearers, or Hell, maybe World Eaters…


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