The new Moira Rework for Overwatch 2 is insane! Excited to play her a bit for the rest of the Overwatch 2 Beta!

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  1. Well to be fair, most of these tested scenarios are never going to happen in the game. Still 75% reduced dmg seems a bit too far. Also they should just keep Mercy guardian angel as it was in OW1 and stop trying to make it anything else.

  2. This moira ability is genuinely better than many if not most ults. Idk wtf they were thinking adding this. Yea it's a beta but still thinking this ability would ever make into a balanced game is pure idiocy.

  3. At first I thought this ability might be OP. But I have played a few hours and it’s very hard to get true value out of it. It will be great shutting down ults though.. haven’t seen it yet though

  4. Moira is my second most played hero. I like the ideas had, but not the application. 3 meters is bigger than you think, and 4 seconds is a lot. I think 2.5 seconds on impact is more fair, and Tanks should be affected less. Heal orb cooldown is reasonable, but compensate with higher healing output or faster resource replenishment to make up for lost team healing. Fade cooldown or self healing reduction are both reasonable, considering the support passive.

    Essentially, what I'm saying is that this change exchanges survivability for power… and supports have had a massive problem with survivability in OW2. This only highlights the problem with supports in OW2. They're too powerful, but not fun to play.

  5. I haven’t had a chance to play Mercy in this patch, but i was okay with how it was, I had turned off “Toggle Guardian Angle” so I would have to hold shift to fly the full distance and activate superjump. If I didn’t want to superjump, I’d simply let go of shift just short of my destination. This seems like they’re just overtuning the ability

  6. The crazy thing about the moira change is that since you have both orbs and the aoe AND mobility is at the beginning of a fight you can use the heal orb, jump above any shields or around a flank and hit the tank and possibly a dps or both, it’ll instantly win a fight because you can just charge a team down and take no damage, like an anti but you inherently have more mobility than an ana

  7. I've been playing with the new Moria ability for awhile, and it's not super easy to get effective value with it. You have to predict high damage within the next 4 seconds from your enemy. Predicting it and being in the right place and hitting the shot if the hero isn't big, slow, or next to the ground is hard. It has huge value if you get it right. It'll take time to get used to, If people get much better with it they might nerf the reduction. But it's fun if you pop off with it.

  8. Imagine trying to take care of a ball stall, the Moira just throws her goop to heal ball and at your dps trying to dogpile the ball
    Now you have a ball back to almost full health and still stalling the capture

  9. genuinely so curious to see who at blizzard is behind these mercy changes, there’s just no way they’re this dense about an ability that didn’t need to be changed in the first place

  10. Standing inside Torb Ult. That would be incredible. xD The mercy change wouldn't be half bad if I could keep the momentum. She seems a little slow atm. I like the idea of being able to send her backwards.

  11. Guardian angel is 100% what makes mercy fun, at least for me. And I do agree even if thematically it ruins her lore rez and bap immortality also should not exist. Someone works hard to get a pick, or your teammate was dumb, it's fair, there shouldn't be abilities that counter that. I've had players ask for mercy so they wouldn't have to worry about dying… Which is a very poor mindset for this game I believe 🙁
    About guardian angel changes… Hated the previous one, this one… Prob also gonna hate this one, looking at where you want sounds annoying… Just make the crouch work during guardian angel more easily, instead of needing frame perfect input make it so you could press crouch anytime to superjump when close to the target, no matter the current height. (On live you have to be lower than your target to super jump, that's why you need crouch + GA).

  12. This change isn't super jump, this is basically Mercy slingshoting herself across the map. She already could do that in OW1.
    Please stop messing with her Blizzard, it's getting worse & worse

  13. Moira is complete ass now. It's a whole lot of severe nerfs, in exchange for 1 ho-hum ability. They nerfed her healing orb by 40-ish percent, increased her fade cooldown, decreased her self heal, and took away damage orb completely. All in exchange for a 4 second damage reduction on a 16 second cooldown. How anyone can see this as anything other than multiple crippling nerfs in exchange for 1 ass ability is unbelievable. Just watch.. no one will be playing Moira soon.

    I love how most of your tests fail hard… rein kills you twice in 10 seconds, genji jumps in and kills you in like 3, cassidy ult brings you to 1 health but is "useless now", junk kills you multiple times easily, Bob obliterates you, Hanzo and Reaper both melt you easily, and hog would melt moira if you were actually playing because ALL his cooldowns are literally half (or less) of feeble orb's 16 seconds…. ironic that the only thing it actually seemed to help you with was against moira. But that's just because moira can't kill anyone any more.

    I guess it could be good, though, if you can get the enemy team to Ult in the 4 seconds after they are hit by feeble. So nice of them.

    But yeah, that fixing the bug of 1 point of armor reducing 100 points of damage is a severe nerf for tanks. /facepalm

  14. Moria mains assemble!

    But for real. That Moria buff isn't sticking around for long. So you best enjoy it while you have it. Honestly I think at most it should only effect one person at a time and be something like a reverse Zen discord. So -30% maximum. 75% is stupid.

    As for Mercy. Super jump was fine as is. Put it back to normal and fix her other problems.

  15. ….Thats actually worse for Mercy. If you could do super jump correctly you could get more air. You can barely get eye level with the platform above the the bot.

    Thats gotta be a bug for Moira. You shouldn't be able to do both. Thats broken as all get out. It also has too big of a radius. It should be smaller than a Pharah rocket to be a skill shot. Moira is broken on the beta. Speaking of Phara, her ult is now worthless. Same with reaper, dva, roadhog as a character.

    Lol Retro.

    I like the idea ability but its worse than Brig bash going through shields on a 5 second cooldown and with a stun. Or launch Brig. Its worse than launch Brig. Noone wants to play against this.

  16. Someone suggested that it still has the blast damage, but only weakens on direct hit. Would make it much more fair if it did that, dropped the damage to 50% for 3 seconds, and if Moira kept her old cooldowns/damage/heals. It could work IMO.

  17. The armor nerf is really bad for brig. Her armor is all she had going for her after her shield nerf. They need to bring her shield back her increase the healing numbers…

  18. I think where they messed up is making the enfeeble orb damage reduce anything the target does, not just damage done to Moira herself. If it’s just to her I think it makes sense, but if it bullies damage dealt to ANYONE then that’s just beyond broken and borderline just ruins so many ults, there will ALWAYS be a Moira on every team. Unless it is indeed just for damage dealt to her, didn’t really seem quite clear if that’s the case.

  19. some ults like dragon and tire snapshot yes… so we need to weaken b4 its cast
    this is a stupid ability, i know moira needs utility, i mean i am a support main and i rarely play moira because she only brings raw healing, but this particular ability is stupidly broken, blizzard plz dont do that, others will complain about us supports again, as such we already have an outlier in supports in zen, dont add another
    and about mercy, dont mess with her movements, just leave it as it was in OW1, if u wanna make her GA super jump more accessible for newer players, there is a small window when u reach a player and have to press crouch and jump, that window is small, u can make it a bit larger, and also make her movements fluid like lucio, bcuz mercy's movements feel abrupt and hence not smooth

  20. They could scrap the overwwatch title, call it whatever they want and throw away the tanks cause clearly they have no idea why tanks were in the game when the original OW team was still here. Eh.


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