Why The GURISTAS Pirates Are The BEST FACTION!! International Talk Like A Pirate Day!! || EVE Echoes

Today is International Talk Like A Pirate Day, and so it seemed like the PERFECT time to celebrate my favourite faction in EVE:

The Guristas Pirates!

#eveechoes #pirates #spaceships


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21 thoughts on “Why The GURISTAS Pirates Are The BEST FACTION!! International Talk Like A Pirate Day!! || EVE Echoes”

  1. Absolutely loved this videos!!! 🥰🔥

    Love the Guritas Pirate Faction and ships! Use the Gila all the time!

    have no idea 2hy dudes are such absolutist smh?! You state clearly that it's how YOU'RE flying the ship AT THE MOMENT! You never say "fly it this way or else". It blows my mind how much people whine about someone else's fitting, and are always on about "maximum dps" on every ship. No wonder they quit when things don't go their way. 🙄

    I do T7 N-space with Gila, as well as scouts and Inquisitors, but that's about as far as you can go if you want reasonable clear times solo. I find that both the Worm and Gila are decent PvP ships, and while I know I'll probably be attacked for that 🙄I don't care lol! 😅

    I wrote a theory piece on my thoughts on the Guristas ships, and theorised them as Interdictors! I think the Worm and Gila as Faction Interdiction ships, would be very interesting! My thoughts:

    I think you'll be seeing a lot more of the Worm in the coming days captain! 😏

    Fly aggressive o7

  2. I'm amarr to the bone but I like minmatar. But rating guristas pirates are great rats to kill with my apoc, 35k a volly. and the arbutraitor that kill targets with a million cut is so fun 🤩. I did fly worm and gila but I don't like how slow they are. Once an oracle just deleted my gila orbiting at 25km which made me question what happened.and I'm love the bloodraider whene I have enough IP.

  3. YESSSSSSSSSS someone gets it. Guristas may have average dps and low speed, but it's the only ship I'm confident enough to speed tank special rally with it, possibly the best speed tank cruiser in the game

  4. I'm with you on this Benzie,Guristas are the best pirates☠ …
    And i just brought a Worm,yeah its a tough Frigate.and I'm having alot of fun with it!…
    I'm going to purchase myself a Gila today i think lol…
    Doing that will put me behind in my Quest to be F2P,but I wants it!…
    Anyway Great video as always Captain o7.

  5. My favourite ships would always be Gallente and Minmatar (that includes Serpentis and Angel cartel) but I have started to gain a liking to Caldari as well because i used Naga as a base for a 3d designing contest in my school and i won first!
    I currently fly Rattlesnake but it's extremely cumbersome and boring. I seriously want to switch to vindicator so that i could feel home with a Gallente ship design.

    7:51 sir did you see the movie ShangChi? It's a Marvel super hero movie. In it in one of the scenes, when the main character goes to Macau on a building, he had to escape from there so he breaks the window with a thing that looks EXTREMELY SIMILAR to guristas logo. In fact, i think he uses that EXACT SAME rabbit skull head like thing to smash the window, the thing is similar to their logo.

    8:01 "M1ss1ngN0 decreased standings towards Guristas pirates"
    How dare they do that to my man Megathron?! 🤬

  6. A properly fit gila can certainly do an NDS8, I do them when I see them and it’s quite safe but does keep you on your toes which is the kind of pve content that’s actually fun.


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