NEW Adeptus Mechanicus Index Review! What's Competitive in 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Admech?

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0:00 Sponsors
0:47 Intro
1:53 Army Rule
4:21 Detachment Rule
6:00 Stratagems
11:12 Enhancements
14:04 Archaeopter Fusilave
15:55 Archaeopter Stratoraptor
16:54 Archaeopter Transvector
18:14 Belisarius Cawl
20:27 Corpuscarii Electro-Priests
22:05 Cybernetica Datasmith
24:42 Kastelan Robots
28:01 Fulgurite Electro-Priests
28:59 Ironstrider Ballistarii
30:57 Kataphron Breachers
35:02 Kataphron Destroyers
36:56 Onager Dunecrawler
40:25 Pteraxii Skystalkers
42:10 Pteraxii Sterylizors
43:22 Serberys Raiders
45:04 Serberys Sulphurhounds
46:40 Servitors
47:29 Sicarian Infiltrators
49:06 Sicarian Ruststalkers
50:42 Skitarii Marshal
52:33 Skitarii Rangers
54:46 Skitarii Vanguard
55:18 Skorpius Disintegrator
58:25 Skorpius Dunerider
59:37 Sydonian Dragoons
1:01:29 Tech-Priest Dominus
1:03:20 Tech-Priest Enginseer
1:03:52 Tech-Priest Manipulus
1:04:24 Technoarcheologist
1:04:48 Thoughts

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49 thoughts on “NEW Adeptus Mechanicus Index Review! What's Competitive in 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Admech?”

  1. I play DG and Admech and T'au. Really hoping we're not sharing disappointment tomorrow.

    Watching my friends cook up cool combos and get excited about their rules is bittersweet because there's no cool combos or units in these two indices. Admech could still be strong if they drop the points, but who wants to buy, paint and transport that many fragile models? I stopped played Admech in 9th because every time I got my pteraxi out a flight stand broke. We have seen what 2K of DG looks like and that also doesn't inspire confidence in GW's points balances.

  2. When I read the Kataphron datasheets, first thing I thought was that the rules should be switched. I feel like rerolls on Destroyers and better Overwatch on Breachers would make more sense.

  3. You know what's super fun! The fact I cave to add a $40 character to a Kastelan unit now for it to change protocols. So cool!!!
    This new edition is going to be so great. I love the fact they stripped all the flavor and gave it to $40+ characters that you add to units to make them viable. So great, so awesome, much wow!!

  4. Wow I didn't catch that you can only ever take 1 of the 3 possible specials. 1/1/1 instead of being able to take 3/0/0 arc rifles. A devastating nerf and really wrecks models you already made.

  5. Really worried about tomorrow's reveals, I've got AdMech, Votann, and Death Guard going into 10th… I feel like I'm going to be relegated to playing my marines till 11th if I go 3/3 with the bad news.

  6. It feels like AdMech index was the first index written for 10th with the idea of simplifying rules and lowering lethality. Then after it was written GW back tracked those ideas and wrote the other indexes and just never updated AdMech.
    AdMech and TSons were some of the more complicated armies to play, TSons kept their intricacies and AdMech lost it all. Also the only army that has to pay a "troop" tax just to make your other units relevant while your "troops" are junk.

  7. GW: "You want to cry about 9th edition AdMech? We'll give you something to cry about!"

    Feels like they gave this army to the intern, and it wasn't the intern that likes AdMech, it was the intern who hates AdMech and wanted to take a nap instead of working on them.

  8. What I REALLY miss is a special treatment of knights. I mean lorewise AdMech should be able to make use of at least one knight in their army in a better way than all other Imperium factions can. Like giving one knight the Adeptus Mechanicus Keyword or something. But now they simply dropped Knight of the Cog completely. 🙁

  9. I always thought that admech had so few datasheet compared to many other army's we needed good datasheets across the range.
    Maybe 2 look good now. I'm not buying another £200 of models and painting then up for a hoard army. Keep our codex as close a possible to 9th just get rid of some of the complexity. We need ap 1!!!!

  10. Well i am planning to start playing WH in 10 edition and bought a ton of Admech.
    Sucks a bit to see that Skitarii which arent cheap at all are at least partly turned into a Hordearmy.
    its a bit sad if the jobs of my slowly painted Skitarii is pretty much stand next to actually useful units or run and try to hold an objective with little to no damage.
    Its like sending a Squad of Soldiers in game to catch a Point but they only get a Water-Pistol.

  11. It's important to remember a couple things, we still don't have points values, different indexes are probably written by different teams, it's impossible to balance correctly at launch, their core design philosophy was simplification, those are free.
    Some things of note :
    Servitors from this index is worse than the Space marines index, I suspect this one's correct.
    Battlelines really buff a lot of units, if they're cheap enough, spam them.
    Wouldn't be surprised the missing doctrina are mostly errors ; having an army capable of advancing & shooting at no penalty seems really strong.
    Electro priest + dominus + excoriating emanation for -1 to hit & wound and 4+FNP.
    Omni Sterilizer + devastating wound will probably get nerfed.
    Kataphrons looking real tough for infantry units.

  12. I started building up a Rad-Saturated AdMech army focusing on two 20-man bricks of Vanguards, two 9-man squads of Sulphurhounds, and a 6 man block of Dragoons. Mostly for lols and the aesthetic, but it was fun. Going to see how it plays once points come out but so far it looks like it’s RIP Rad Riders. Mostly I’m disappointed to see the horde-y unit squads go away considering how squishy and weak most of the models seem, the removal of weapon customization with the generalization of the Skitarii Alpha weapons, and the inability to double up special weapons to focus your troops, against vehicles with Arc Rifles for example.

    The improvement to the Archaeopter Transvector is welcome though. Really happy to see Kataphrons getting love since they are a great unit despite being a bit unappealing. Cult Mechanicus could be an interesting way to play AdMech.

  13. Well now that the points are out I think we can put to bed any idea that points costs would balance out mediocre datasheets and rules.

    AdMech are just bad, and they'll probably remain bad until they get a top-to-bottom rework in the codex.

  14. I will say, i think you are vastly underestimating servitors here. Put them in a unit with breachers and you still get to use t7 for defence and youve got some nice ablative wounds for the heavy shots coming their way

  15. As always, I will continue to paint up my admech army, because despite everything, they have unbeatable drip. As for actually playing the game, I'm probably gonna sit this one out until they get some fixes. On the upside, hopefully the new model that comes with the codex ismfun to paint

  16. Wow was this ever a ball drop GW. I love a small sliver of what is hinted at with this army- vanguards and rad bombardment and fucking with OC and irradiating stuff is excellent, but you decided that Admec was the "Battleline matters" army and made our battline just not great. I dont mind BS4+, I really don't while we've got doctrina imperitives on (some) units, but skitarii need Sv4+, they need SOME AP, and they need units of 20 or nobody is taking special characters to buff them. Finally on skitarii- holy moley those prices. They need to be 10% lower because you're foecing us to take them and theyre not great. If I'm fielding units of guardsmen with a 6+ invuln and sleightly better guns in an army that you've decided to be a Battleline Infantry Matters army, I'm NOT pleased I'm paying almost double cost over a squad of cadians.

  17. I decided i wanted to start playing 40k, so i picked up a boarding patrol. What im hearing is making me sad.

    But admech is my favorite so its alright. Ive got a good 3d printer so ill probably print more than i buy.


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