NEVER Play HOI4 on Non-Historical

HOI4 non-historical and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

Thank you to these members : 💜

If you want me to read out your name at the end of the video, become a member, I guess lol

ALSO, might be removing the early video perk for members because my schedule is probably gonna get busy and I might not be able to deliver 🙁

As always, thanks for watching 🙂


43 thoughts on “NEVER Play HOI4 on Non-Historical”

  1. 8:00 about Lithuania it happened because there is a focus Lithuania demands Vilnus from Soviet Union at Molotov-Ribbentrop so Soviet Union is gone and focus effects change now they offer Russia to lets eat Poland together then Russia refused and Lithuania went war itself

    probably at your third try Lithuania gave up from its desire

  2. FYI. Forest brothers were freedom fighters. Soviet Union occupied the Baltic states in 1940. 1941 the Soviet Union deported hundred thousand Baltic inhabitants to Siberia, in a barbaric way getting empty train wagons and stuffing as many people as they could. Many of them died on the way before even reaching Siberia. In Siberia they were dropped in random locations, with only the clothes they have, no money or food. Many of them perished. Some survived thanks to the local populace helping, but most did not. As why when Nazi Germany came across Baltic lands many saw them as Liberators, not only because of deportations, but also because the living standard's before the occupation were at the same level as Finland, Denmark, Netherlands e.t.c. after Soviet occupation the quality of life dropped significantly. So rolling forward 1944, Nazi Germany is losing WW2 and had forcefully conscripted a lot of Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian men into the military and instead of retreating to Germany, most of them stayed and prepared to fight the upcoming Soviets for Independence, Estonia even got as far to writing a declaration of independence, but being numerically outnumbered multiple times, they retrieved to the forest and were fighting a Guerrilla war until 1956 against the Soviet Union.

    They existed, but only after 1944, so not super accurate.


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