National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine to perform in 3 cities on its first visit to Taiwan

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has forced Ukraine’s National Symphony Orchestra to suspend its usual performances. Despite that, the orchestra remained undaunted, performing in air-raid shelters even when sirens went off, so as to calm the hearts of their compatriots. Now, the orchestra is paying its first visit to Taiwan, with members hoping to share their determination and courage with Taiwanese audiences.

While waiting in the airport lounge, this orchestra member seized the opportunity to practice his instrument. The 79 members of the National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine arrived at Taoyuan International Airport on Saturday. It was a long journey that began with a two-day bus ride from Kyiv. After arriving in Vienna, they boarded a plane for Taiwan, a journey that took 72 hours.

“Glory belongs to Ukraine and the heroes. Fight for the people. Ukraine is all we have,” they chanted. Their long and taxing journey notwithstanding, members of the orchestra were in high spirits after touching down in Taiwan, proudly displaying that blue-yellow flag that the world has come to recognize. On their first visit to Taiwan, they said they looked forward to performing and conducting cultural exchanges. They’ll be performing from Sept. 11 to 13 at the National Taichung Theater, National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts otherwise known as Weiwuying and the National Concert Hall in Taipei, respectively.

Last year, affected by the war between Ukraine and Russia, the orchestra was forced to suspend performances. They later resumed. Even when air-raid sirens sounded, the orchestra continued playing to people hiding in the shelters.

Undaunted in the face of war, they embarked on the long journey to share with Taiwan their collective power. In addition to performing classic works by Beethoven and Chopin, the orchestra will also perform pieces by Ukrainian composers, hoping that Taiwan would hear not just the music, but Ukraine’s determination and courage.


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