NASA, ESA unveil 2040 Manned Mars Mission on nuclear power! Here's how Moon to Mars will work.

NASA just released an ambitious plan to get us to Mars by 2040! How exactly will Moon to Mars work? How does nuclear power fit in? Is there a place for SpaceX Starship? And what about SLS and Artemis?

Can NASA, ESA and JAXA really pull this off?

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NASA’s Current Plan


29 thoughts on “NASA, ESA unveil 2040 Manned Mars Mission on nuclear power! Here's how Moon to Mars will work.”

  1. One of the downsides of the Dianetics lander that I haven’t heard anyone mention is how far out from under the center of gravity the engines are. If they were to lose an engine they would spin out of control instantly not just lose a bit of lift.

  2. Do we seriously think a democratic political system will let an expensive program run for two decades berore political expediency cancells it or reduce its budget to an amount too low to continue? Look at NASA budget after landing on the moon. The govenment even cancelled previously planned missions. The only real hope is if some president says 'I commit the us to land on mars by 2040 and establish a permanent base on the mars by 2050"

  3. Outstanding episode. Love the idea of a nuclear tug that docks to the back of a rocket and taps the ships fuel that has been harvested insitsu.

  4. GET IT DONE FOLKS. . I seen the first man in Space. In Space. On the Moon . Much more. I sure would like to see man on Mars. Before my End Game. We need boots on the ground on Mars ! 65 years old and sure would like to see it happen. SICK as a dog with serious lung issues. Not so confident on being around to see the day. NASA Just keeping on delaying Mars.

  5. Answering the question you ask at 02:05, NASA will not get humans to Mars. However it is done it will be done by private companies, perhaps, SpaceX. Private corporations are free to fail and do so spectacularly. Government agencies MUST succeed, no matter the cost.

    So far, Elon Musk has had a far more correct take on what is required and how to proceed than NASA's current leadership, Arianne Space or any of his private competitors.

    Further, I doubt more than two or three manned Artemis lunar missions are actually launched because of the expense. Launching Starship and refueling missions to orbit are an order of magnitude cheaper than launching SLS.
    I suspect the Starliner with its service module will begin being launched on a variant of either Falcon or New Glenn (if NG is ready, just to throw Bezos a bone) and dock with an orbiting SpaceX lunar lander, already fully fueled. The crew in the Starliner will be carried to lunar orbit with its service module by the lander's engines. The lander crew will transfer to the lander, the vehicles will separate and the originally planned mission profile will be executed.

  6. Until we reach the gas giants, hydrogen is a non-renwable fuel on Earth and anywhere we can reach. All elemental hydrogen on Earth that escapes into the atmosphere is headed to the top of the atmosphere destined to be lost to space forever. Though we have a lot of it, our supply is finite. Until we can replenish from the gas giants, we need to be economical with hydrogen.

  7. i am having a problem here with this fuel problem . SPACE itself is surrounded by HYDROGEN so why not accumulate it from SPACE IF IT CAN BE CONTAINED WITH A MAGNETIC FIELD IT CAN BE ACCUMULATED .

  8. Just discovered your channel (LOVING IT!), and have watched several of your videos, including the one on GEO based solar power. You've spoken quite a bit about ice mining on the moon. If you are right, then mining the materials needed to produce solar panels (not just the silicon) and the ability to manufacture them there will be just important.

  9. Just discovered your channel (LOVING IT!), and have watched several of your videos, including the one on GEO based solar power. You've spoken quite a bit about ice mining on the moon. If you are right, then mining the materials needed to produce solar panels (not just the silicon) and the ability to manufacture them there will be just important.

  10. Maddening that Congress elbows out Elon and SpaceX to put SLS onto the lead position for the moon and Mars missions regardless of the fact that SLS is massively more expensive to we taxpayers. If Congress had any vision and acted with fiduciary responsibility toward taxpayers they would put Starship in the lead position,and support SpaceX to develop Starship to its full potential. This would save Taxpayers massive amounts of money. Damn the Congress for the way they are treating Elon Musk and SpaceX who saved the USA space program from fading into oblivion.

  11. Your stuff just keeps getting better & better. Hats off! Hey…What happened to Bigelow Aerospace? Did they totally go out of business? Did covid kill them off? I'm so disappointed…I found what they were doing to be really exciting. Those massive inflatable modules could have played a huge part in the Luna Gateway construction.

  12. We are less than an hour away from May 25th MST. Altho SLS rolled out to the pad earlier this month SLS was not able to pass the Artemis 1 dress rehearsal and had to be returned to the VAB for further testing and investigation. NASA is optimistic they will be able to try the dress rehearsal later this year. Personally, I think Angry, has a better chance of having to get his butt tattooed than Artemis 1 launching this year.


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