My Wife and I Ended Up in a World Where the South Won the Civil War… Part 1 of 2

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38 thoughts on “My Wife and I Ended Up in a World Where the South Won the Civil War… Part 1 of 2”

  1. An America with out the blight of post War Afr migration into Northern cities such as Detroit, Cleveland etc? How many of us today would love to have safe and prosperous cities free from the proposal perpetual violence Afrks bring?

  2. I went from Mildly excited to overjoyed to see this video. I love the first few parts of it, and I think about it all the time honestly. So excited to see that there’s more

  3. What’s ironic is that if this story were true, Joey Biden would probably still be the President! 😳 And I know that’s going to fly over the heads of most of you “white progressive liberals” out there so all I can say is “Do the Math” on FJB….😂

  4. one of two things if this is meant to be a comedy as more of a meme or its literally just a shit story, im hoping its a meme cus then its funny. All the characters talk like a 12 year old redditer.

  5. yes! I really like this author and really like alt-history stuff that's well done and not derivative (by which I mean not just "what is the Axis won WWII?" over and over again).
    EDIT: eh, not as good as the cave one after watching. I can tell anthropology is this author's interest more than history (or at least they seem to know more about the former). But it seems to have gotten under some idiots' skin anyway, so whatevs.

  6. This idea that slavery went away in any meaningful way is absurd. The South did win the war. The Americans celebrate it every time a black person gets death dabbed on by a cop when they say they were "no angel".

  7. This was written by someone with a poor understanding of history trying to win points with progressives. It’s uninspired, unimaginative, and trope filled. Slavery doesn’t work in the first world in modern day for so many reasons.

  8. This story is NOT fiction. It’s what many states have been trying to get back to since 1865, when they STILL believe they won the Civil War. Look @ Tennessee and their expulsion of 2 African American State Legislators. Look @ the rollback of women’s healthcare, forced pregnancy and birthing a rapist’s baby, even over the life of the woman. And now looking to ban the drug Mifepristone. Men, making the choices for women. They’ll not stop there as the goal is to ban ALL forms of birth control, make illegal ALL LGBTQ rights, and force the U.S. to become what they perceive as ‘MAGA’, when they could legally tie a rope around the neck of a minority, black child or queer child or woman deemed as a witch and drag them behind their pick-up truck. If you don’t think this is what’s happening here in the United States then you are part of the problem. WAKE THE FUCK UP!

  9. You should release your episodes on Spotify. I work as a butcher and love listening to horror stories while I work. But I don’t have any signal in the cooler room. So downloading episodes on my phone using Spotify is about my only option. I’m sure there are others like me who’d like to listen to you while they work!!

  10. Glad you put part 1 it's going in my saves for a later date when next pat come out love you man.
    I hate it when I have to wait for the next part especially when. Your the narrator 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😏

  11. Ok I’m on the right, screw qanon but I have to point out that they do NOT want slavery or racism. This makes conservatives look horrible. I still love this channel but this kind of talk is what’s dividing this country.


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