My Parents are Siblings

Vanessa describes her experience being raised by Jehovah’s Witness parents who were also brother and sister. Vanessa’s parents had a total of 9 children with one another.

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43 thoughts on “My Parents are Siblings”

  1. Can I just say this channel is amazing, it talks about such diverse topics that you wouldn’t hear about usually. Its so weird how twisted some people are but I realise that these are very rare occurrences so don’t lose hope in humanity guys 💀

  2. Devorah, i need to congratulate you for the amazing podcast, it grew so much and the diversity of people and subjects that you bring is really impressive! Congrats i appreciate each and every episode, love from Brazil❤

  3. Can you imagine being so baby crazy you just keep making more babies? .. oh my lord. Its either that or she was trying to hide some kind of trauma that she used babies to mend the hurt.. Jesus tho. Was she that mentally unwell that she didnt even consider the impact on her children?

  4. I will never get why people purposefully adhere to restrictive, limiting and illogical religions. And worse, involve kids into that. You can be a good person without need of religion

  5. Some people def hoard children like they do animals or belongings:( thankyou for sharing your story, you are an incredibly strong individual. Also it so sad about your brother 🙁 they say sometimes the funniest people are the saddest.

  6. I’ll tell you why the JW allowed them in, because they’re a cult desperate for members and will take anyone they can get, to get that cash from them. Also, please provide your guests water so they can drink when their mouths get dry. ❤

  7. I really appreciate how you allow your guests to just speak at their own pace, unrushed, and unfiltered- only asking clarifying questions sparsely throughout. Vanessa is such a blessing to this world to be able to speak out for the first time in public about the abuses her entire family had to endure due to the cyclic nature of CSA, SA, high demand religions, oppressive orders, and incest. She is breaking free of the generational trauma while shining a light on the child suffering perpetuated by JW's indoctrination and failure to report. I hope everyone watches this to the end, her message- though heart breaking- must be amplified so religions like JW can be held accountable for the atrocities they continue to foster.


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