My Hardest Golden Strawberry – 3B Goldberry

Sweet, I only need 10 more. I think that this is one of the harder ones too, so it should be a little easier until I get to Chapters 7 and 8 (and 9).

If I had to rank the goldens I’ve done by difficulty, it would be this (easiest to hardest). I’ll add each one that I complete to this list as it goes.

16. 1A
15. 2A
14. 2C
13. 1C
12. 4C
11. 5C
10. 7C
9. 6C
8. 8C
7. 3C
6. 2B
5. Dashless
4. 1B
3. 4A
2. 3A
1. 3B


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