My Experience with WoW's New Raid

My thoughts on and WoW 9.2 Raid and group content in WoW in general.

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27 thoughts on “My Experience with WoW's New Raid”

  1. It's funny, because you, as a person who always pissed on people for being bad at PVP, now complains because you fucking suck ass at PVE content. it's hypocritical of you to take raiding and say it's too difficult for the average person. It is group content that needs to be learned, nothing difficult about normal difficulty. Take the time and learn the content. You don't step into PVP and slap everyone sick, you have to gear up and learn how to play properly. Same goes for PVE content. Most people who pa=lay PVE do not want to play PVP because you have to get a whole new set of gear for PVP, and that has pretty much always been the case.

    You just suck ass at PVE, I watched your stream, and you legit did not dodge or even bother to pay attention to mechanics that kill the raid. Why don't you just admit you fucking suck at PVE content, rather than bash PVE content, saying it is shit, simply because you cannot take a few minutes to actually read up on stats and paying attention.

  2. I think Asmon felt sad on stream because he knows the spark for world of warcraft is gone for him but maybe due to his real life circumstances feels like the game was a huge connection and passion he shared with his mother and to leave wow is like leaving a thing that reminds him of his best friend and amazing mom.

    Been a fan for years because he always keeps it real and despite his popularity, when you watch him it's just like hanging out with a real life friend.


  3. I felt this way about raiding in WOW since late Legion, until I started playing FFXIV and getting a static and doing Savage raids. Best decision I have made raiding-wise. Do what makes you happy Zack 🙂

  4. I would say McConnell was right though Asmon.

    You should switch over to Horde, because the transmogs, and that the raiding gear looks 10 times better, due to the variety variety of race, zones that are amazing to experience.

    Orgrimmar actually is still great, but it is a lot different than the opposing capital city Stormwind.

    I've also seen more people in Orgrimmar, spread out on low servers, than that on Alliance via low servers.

    When this patch is done with, go back to Alliance if you'd like to, but I would character transfer for the time being man.

    Take care of your car thing, hope it works out for you, & take care of yourself as well man.

    Peace out scouts…

  5. A. 245 iLvl is too low for a pug. That is week 2 catch up zm quest gear. B. Also, you and the raid where fucking around, not taking the fights seriously. I saw too many people just messing around on the stream. C. Plus, clearly you where already board with wow before the patch even came out.
    Taking a break from wow may be best for you, imo. You seem to be doing ok content not playing wow. And clearly you have a bee in your bonnet about the current state of design. And to be fair, it’s not entertaining to watch you do something you just don’t care about.

  6. coming from someone who only recently started playing MMO's around 1 or 2 years ago, i agree completely with your feelings on group content. honestly that is what has kept me from playing mmo's my whole life. ive always played single player games bc i HATE the thought that someone has to depend on me to play well for their experience to be enjoyable. It completely ruins the experience for me bc of the mental gymnastics i go through worrying i will ruin everyone else's game by being too bad or just being new and not knowing mechanics or something along those lines. it is more stressful than appealing to me so I've completely avoided it. im not into pvp either. i just enjoy playing games for the literal fun of it, if there is something that sounds unappealing or ik i wont enjoy, i just dont play. bc in the end, for me, games are supposed to be my escape from real life stresses and to just enjoy myself.

    Ive been enjoying Lost Ark a lot because I can complete most of the content solo, i really enjoy that they give that option. I dont think it deters from ppl who enjoy group content to have that as an option, it only opens it up for more people like me. Ive gotten to ilvl 420 and have completely avoided playing the Abyssal dungeon bc it requires at least 4 people. I really wish they would allow us to solo, like they do with Guardian Raids, or they would do what FFXIV does later in the game where you can bring NPCs with you instead of needing group up. Sword of Legends Online(not a very fun game) also allows you do do all dungeons with NPCs, so im hoping this becomes a common thing for mmo's in the future. i know that ppl say mmo's are losing the social aspect, but you can still talk to ppl without needing to do raids and dungeons with them, i do all the time.but i can see what they mean by it somewhat, since im late to mmo's.
    thanks for the video I agree a lot with what you said and appreciate that you're saying what i think a lot of people feel. It would only serve the companies better by making it an option, in my completely uninformed opinion lol. ofc ppl are going to complain bc they do about everything but it will open it up to a lot more players like myself that dont play mmos bc they dont want to play in groups for dungeons and such.

    sorry for writing a whole book…. this point rarely gets brought up, so it's nice to hear someone with a big platform voice a lot of the same opinions as myself. I genuinely appreciate it.

  7. For me, the best game I've ever played was Bloodborne. There's a joy in the absolute adrenaline rush from beating a boss after wiping 40 times. Now when ever I go back, those bosses are only punishing, rather than challenging. They became easy, but if you make some small mistakes, you die. Punishing gameplay in SOLO games is why I go back. This should NOT be the same for team games.

    WoW raids/dungeons shouldn't be punishing. That chance of a small mistake is magnified by the number of players you have. No one is perfect, and all you're doing is rolling the dice for the one time everyone plays nearly perfectly. Random chance is not fun. Blizzard needs to make raiding challenging and leave off with punishing. And once the mechanics are mastered, by a certain % of players, they need to change the mechanics up, or release new raids. That's it.

    As a side note they also need to bring back scarcity, and not make new gear replace the best in slot items after months of punishing random chance raids. Trickle the best new gear, Keep players hungry, and lean, rather than fat and bored.

    TBH I'm scared to get to end game content with my characters after starting WoW again after 10 years. I'm a filthy casual who games 15 hrs a week. What's to keep me grinding when end game is dependent on other people, not my own will and tenacity?

  8. stop shitting wow. its not ur dream world. its a game which we love. if u cant manage to handle a fcking normal raid its ur problem. if u fail just dont give up and learn then try again.

  9. Honestly, WoW should just cut the whole thing down and make a WoW 2 with no addon bullshit. Put WoW 1 on maintenance mode (the blizzard standard) so people can keep their stuff. I'm tired of having a laundry list of crap to update just to play a game because the devs are too lazy to make information accessible themselves. Best case scenario is they steal an addon like 3-4 expansions later (quest helper).

  10. Are raids becoming too difficult, or is raiding on stream too difficult? You made more progress in Sepulchre than you did in Tempest Keep. Raid teams seem to overcome obstacles through dialogue, something doesn't happen on stream. But don't listen to me, I quit after ICC

  11. If you make the raids super-hard and time-consuming, you can tell your player base "Why are you saying there's a lack of content? You haven't finished what we gave you." Even if the raid isn't fun, or for them. Blizzard designs for a player base that would never leave or play anything else. That dynamic made it easy to get very lazy.

  12. Unpopolar opinion: WAs are fine. You don't really need weakauras for normal and heroic anyway. The fact that you can't go into a newly opened raid with gear from 2 patches ago and oneshot everything, while having no preparations and weakauras or anything is okay and to be expected. This sort of things happen in every game.
    I can take games like league of legends as an example: you can be a guy that plays a game once every 6 months, but you cannot expect to reach a high level of play without having a clue what items or champions do, given a few exceptions. I'm sure there's a ton of people in classic that wasn't using any addon and didn't know the fights whatsoever and died to simple mechanics aswell. While it is true that mechanics were more evident and easier to deal with if you will, it is also true that nowadays you can read up all the boss' abilities in-game.
    The new raid is pretty cool, maybe a bit overtuned but you have to consider that in just a couple of weeks most people are also gonna have tier sets and double legendary, and although this puts an entrance barrier to less experienced players, I think it's a good thing, as it means that players will have to actually play the game before clearing the latest content, and this has been the case in the past aswell (attunement for example, to some extent).


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