Tony Blair Organised Keir Starmer’s ‘Reverse Brexit’ Meeting With Emmanuel Macron

It has emerged that Tony Blair was behind Keir Starmer’s meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron as part of secret plans to ‘reverse Brexit’.

A Whitehall source said the former Prime Minister had used his ‘extensive EU contacts book’ to arrange the meeting that could see Britain effectively rejoin the EU as an ‘associate member’.

TalkTV’s Kevin O’Sullivan is joined by The Sun’s columnist Rod Liddle who says: “The New Labour party wanted to regulate and control the public. That’s an essential element of Blair-ism which I really believe we could do without today.”

#tonyblair #keirstarmer #talkradio #talktv


50 thoughts on “Tony Blair Organised Keir Starmer’s ‘Reverse Brexit’ Meeting With Emmanuel Macron”

  1. ''Sir'' Blair and ''Sir'' Starmer wound see this country ruined. The EU is a spent cause, with the collapse of Germany's economy, countries closing their borders in vain attempt to stop the never ending flow of immigrants. Macron on the way out, Van der Leyen about as useful as a chocolate teapot…..It's a broken mess. Only fools and imbeciles would think of rejoining.

  2. Starma is Tony Blair's glove puppet. Its pure Globalism. Blair should have been charged with war crimes not given honours. He's still pulling levers.

    If you want further chaos and decline and unlimited immigration just vote Labour.

    The three party political system has killed this country with each party taking it in turn to cause chaos.

    Time for Reform.

  3. People should read about the Tony Blair institute, the biggest lobbying group in the country, it's absolutely disgusting…. And they have a table at the next Tory conference….

  4. Labour has done nothing right, They are reaping the votes lost to conservatives since they are 2 main parties. God help us all when they come in to power. Vote Reform UK please to get us all out of this Disaster looming with Labour.

  5. Upgrade to a smarter Gmail
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    Keith-WEF-Starmer n EU return
    Keith Alderson
    to me
    6 minutes agoDetails
    You are dead right Mr Starmer, there is no need for us to go back into the EU since the puppet-master of both of the candidates for OUR Prime Ministership, Tony Blaire and the pupet-master of the EU are one and the same – are they not!

    You Mr Starmer clearly indicated in an interview that your indtructions come from The World Economic Forum, beimg one amongst many if their acolytes liberally sprinkled throughtout the cabinets of the governments of nations – revealed in a boast from the lips of none other than your mentor Klaus Schwab.

    This is not democracy at work and cannot end well.

  6. Blair should be in jail for war crimes. Murdered millions on a back of a lie with Bush Clinton Obama. Opened up our borders to the world's scum now destroying OUR British culture. Just look at Wales. A decade under labour.
    The EU is collapsing just like France Germany Italy…..

  7. Does anyone believe Kier in anything this hypocrite says, he'll just call it another name and try on the sly,

    but I'm not against going back nor brexiteer, I'm just saying at this point EU will not let us back to our old position of power and veto,
    Kier Starmer or anyone negotiating will have to give away a lot to be on good terms with EU leaders, demands and negotiating people.

  8. That bloke is naive, Starmer hasn't done anything right! Its the Tory's have done everything wrong…… Otherwise Labour would still be out of the game. Is he blind or something?

  9. Two titled snakes, Blair working Starmer from behind, I don't think Starmer has actually done that much right with Liebour, I think that the Cons from buffoon Johnson to shifty Sunak have done so much wrong to let Liebour be so far ahead in the polls.

  10. Hey Brexiters the liars, the ideologues who broke the UK, your blood pressure is sky high, good for you. This means your lies are coming to haunt you. What goes around comes around.

  11. I can't believe people would be so naive or stupid to vote for Starmer. He is the most see through plastic liar I have seen since Blair. He is Blair reincarnated. Please people, open your eyes, Labour will campaign for your support to save the country, and will simply do the the total opposite. Labour's version of saving the country is to give it to the EU.

  12. Why don't you do a piece on who sinisterly calculatedly organised the Brexit propaganda full of egregious lies which devastated the country in every single way and lead to hundreds of thousands of needless excess deaths which continue. I'll start for you: Dominic Cummings, Boris Johnson ….you continue (clue there's many dodgy corrupt sinister self serving right wingers) …

  13. The Tories have for years knowingly destroyed every single aspect of the country which has had the most significant consequences for people's lives, and while they knew they were doing that, they sinisterly hid it/ distracted from it with lies, gaslighting and propaganda, plus changing laws to allow them to bully people into compliance while they destroyed their lives for self gain. NOW THAT'S WHAT YOU CALL CONTROL!
    But of course you know that already and couldn't care less because you work for corrupt propaganda right wing Murdoch media who funds the Tory party.. yayyy! 😀


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