Mail Time is Cozy, Buggy, and Talks Too Much

I was really excited for this cozy mail delivery game, but it’s a little too buggy and they could have done some editing in the dialogue. But, we had a fun time hanging out and chatting, so that’s what matters.

#indiegame #cozygame #cutegame #platformer #steamgame

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4 thoughts on “Mail Time is Cozy, Buggy, and Talks Too Much”

  1. -God I am so sorry for all the… Terrible things that happened, but like… Also congrats on Disney land! Also lovely seeing Nick in one of these, he has a lovely, soothing voice!
    -Also same in terms of wanting to be a mailperson, driving around all day just delivering mail… It sounds so peaceful and sweet.
    -Oh love the cactus! (Yes just like, commenting as I watch)
    -My family being both poor and my parents NOT being a fan of video games, me and my brothers where getting EVERYTHING we could out of an old N64 our cousins gave us when they got an XBOX, playing Super Mario 64 and Mario Kart and all that while our friends where enjoying the Halo and Call of Duty games. So I super get that rad little McDonald's kid just having found memories of games he probably should not have been around for.
    -I have gone to Disney Land a few times and don't know what I am doing so… Yaaaa best times I had at Disney Land where A. As a kiddo back in the 90's and B. In Tokyo since it was a weekday and it was fairly quiet and chill.
    -I would not trust myself with coins, they are too shinny and cool.
    -Oooh I have been meaning to try Danganrompa. I hear it has bad DID and trans rep, but is otherwise pretty fun and good!
    -Oh god funny(?) story about intrusive thoughts, I've been having a bunch of them recently, like super bad and its been causing me INTENSE stress and misery, then the other day, it turned out the intensive thoughts where coming from part of the DID system and at first that was super scary and upsetting, like I had this whole part of me/active personality that was SUPER toxic and hateful… But then it ended up fronting near my girlfriend and she just sat down with it and kinda did the whole, "Hey it sounds like you need a hug" thing and after spending a day together it ended up cooling the heck down, apologized and is now trying to be better and kinder. DID has been a… Well a headtrip! Good and bad, but over all good since I've been trying to deal with it in a more empathetic and understanding way. Not really actionable advice for anyone else dealing with intrusive thoughts, but… BIG SHRUG

  2. *This art style is so cute and cozy, and I love the character generator! That alone tempts me greatly.
    *That McDonald's employee is a sweetheart! Super Metroid may have been before his time, but I grew up on a lot of stuff that was before my time because my parents shared their interests with us, and also I had no social life.
    *Airport McDonald's does hit different. Especially when you've got a bored, overtired toddler who doesn't want to leave Grandma and Bumpa's house but can be pacified with french fries and lemonade.
    *I have never been to Disneyland and maybe never will but thank you for the pro tips regardless!
    *So a lot more things are sentient than are sapient! These are commonly confused. Something is sentient if it has senses, but if it's talking to you, it's sapient, because it's thinking and has self-awareness! Pluto and Goofy are both sentient, but only Goofy appears to also be sapient. Probably. Pluto can get up to some complex cartoon capers that might muddy the waters here, but you get the idea!


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