My eighth troublemaker for the Reservoir Wolves

Brayden was born on July 3rd 2007.

Brayden will be a Sophomore at Angel City High School.
Amy will be an Freshman at Angel City High School.
Morgan will be a 2nd grader at Angel City Elementary School.


17 thoughts on “My eighth troublemaker for the Reservoir Wolves”

  1. And what is the 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, and 15th troublemaker for the Reservoir Wolves?

    Riana Dominiguez – yellow colored girl troublemaker, born in 17 June, 2007 Voice: Kate
    Patrick Kendrick – purple colored boy troublemaker, born in 13 August, 2007 Voice: Dave
    Tanner Stewart – pink colored boy troublemaker, born in 18 July, 2007 voice: Simon
    Jenna Daniels – Blue colored girl troublemaker, born in September 11, 2007 voice: Emma
    Ralph Josephson – light Blue colored boy troublemaker, born in December 10, 2007 voice: Christopher
    Eduardo Ramirez – Green colored boy troublemaker, born in November 7, 2007 voice: Brandon
    Valeria Juanez – red colored girl troublemaker, born in October 17, 2007 voice: Amber

  2. And what is the 16th, 17th, and 18th troublemaker for the Reservoir Wolves?

    Daniel Jennings – yellow colored boy troublemaker, born in August 8, 2007 Voice: Noah
    Emily Peterson – purple colored girl troublemaker, born in 29 August, 2007 Voice: Jill
    Antonio Patterson – orange colored boy troublemaker, born in 15 November, 2007 voice: Hugh

  3. And what is the 19th, 20th, and 21st troublemaker for the Reservoir Wolves?
    Topher Lawson – light blue colored boy troublemaker, born in 29 November, 2007 Voice: Tony
    Thomas Cox – purple colored boy troublemaker, born in 15 June, 2007 voice: Jason
    Xavier Flores – orange colored boy troublemaker, born in 18 October, 2007 voice: Eric (HQ)


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