Royal Marine Reacts To The World's Largest Airplane Boneyard – 3,100 Aircraft

Original Video (How The World’s Largest Airplane Boneyard Stores 3,100 Aircraft | Big Business)



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26 thoughts on “Royal Marine Reacts To The World's Largest Airplane Boneyard – 3,100 Aircraft”

  1. The YC-14 kind of went into service. It’s what got McDonnell Douglas the contract for the C-17 many engineering concepts carried over from the 14 just in a larger package. This actually made the redesign take significantly longer than expected and pricier, playing into Boeings acquisition of McDonnell Douglas.

  2. Had an offer to go do this and wish I'd have taken it. The pay is upper 5 figures to lower 6 figures for the contractors. We have these facilities for ground assets as well, called Defense Supply Centers. They are joint military and civilian facilities.

  3. I think there's a lack of understanding in younger people, that they don't realize how much the world has demilitarized over the last 35 years. In 1989, the RAF had over 1,500 aircraft in service. Today it has less than 200. If there was a large desert in the UK, they'd surely have a similar lot to store them in.

  4. If their pay is similar to civilians who work at our ship yards, they probably start at about $22/hour, and can then get into specializations where the pay can get to $70/hour, and even higher. Like my youngest is now training for a specialization that will take them to $70/hour, they are currently at $26/hour.

  5. You must not know America is the biggest arm's dealer on the planet with 40% of the world's countries buying weapons from America and Russia is 2nd with 17% and France is 3rd with 11% and China is 4th with 5% we rule the world in every way

  6. I flew home from Germany with my wife and 2 small children on a C-5, Rhein-Main to Dover Delaware. MAC Flight- Cost: $46.00 TOTAL ($11.50 each). In flight meal was a "Swanson TV Dinner and a sack lunch (the flight took 12 hrs.), your beverage was Grape Kool-Aid from a 5 Gallon Gatorade jug. There are 75 Aircraft seats, facing backwards btw, in the "spine" right in front of the tail. Stairway to enter was 4 flights long, with o windows, and a tile floor, use the blanket, WEAR THE EAR PLUGS!!

  7. Speaking of destroying aircraft to prevent enemy nations getting parts, the US literally shredded all F-14s not in a museum because the Iranians still fly the ones we gave them before the 1979 revolution. They somehow kept smuggling parts out of the boneyards

  8. The alloys used in military craft post-55 do not sun spot. They use platinum mixture in the metals which negates sun damage and staining. They do coat them to prevent weather damage too so its pretty well covered in that area.

  9. This also provides an emergency supply in case of armed conflict. It is far faster to refurbish one of these than to build a new one even if the production lines are still working. They may not all be front line units but in time of need they can serve to release other aircraft to do their duty while keeping the supply lines working and safe. That is a big deep reservoir out there.


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