Music of the Spheres: A Destiny Symphony Live Listen


20 thoughts on “Music of the Spheres: A Destiny Symphony Live Listen”

  1. I can't wait to listen to this. Hard to find someone with musical chops to analyze this suite of music. It's a masterpiece of audible story telling.

    Man and you put the Deep Stone Lullaby in your intro music? 😭

  2. I really love this album because it represents a time in my life when I began making my long dream of writing a book into a reality. It helped shape the mythological background of my setting, aided in envisioning well-intentioned, but ultimately flawed gods who despite their differences still strived for prosperity for their people. There's just this theme of hope and inspiration amidst turbulence and strife throughout this album that really sets the imagination soaring.

    Of course, knowing the background behind this album and the way it was composed and later on released, it's odd how fitting it also is to that history itself. What things could have been, had people not been people with their own vices and disagreements.

  3. I love music of the spheres, it carries the dualistic theme that’s ever present in the destiny franchise and every song has these two themes that shift back and fourth.
    The story of destiny is very dualistic eg. (golden age to dark age to city age) (light and darkness) (gardener and winnower) (even characters like Shin Malphur vs Dredgen Yor to some extent). Even the setting itself has this dualistic theme of a bustling city full of growth and hope living in a post-apocalyptic world surrounded by constant fear and death.

    There’s also a series of poems written by Malcolm Guite for these tracks called "Seven Heavens, Seven Hells; A Sequence for the Spheres." It has fourteen poems broken into pairs for each of the first 7 spheres one being day/light (heaven) and the other night/dark (hell). And then there’s a 15th poem written for the last track called “Earth’s Enigma.” If you want, you can read or listen to all of the poems if look up “music of the spheres golden age anthology” which I greatly recommend.

  4. Oh man. Marco. If you haven’t yet, you gotta check out Untold Legends from the Destiny 1 soundtrack. So many musical cues from MotS are present there and I think you’d really like it. (Granted MotS and the D1 OST are pretty much completely intertwined motif-wise but still)

  5. If only I wasn't 14 back then (Now 22) and had a poor appreciation of this kind of music when I first started playing Destiny I might have put some thought towards getting the vinyl. Really hope that some official way of acquiring this masterpiece reappears one day😢

  6. I find it so interesting how closely some destiny tracks mirror movements from MOTS. Especially how the track titled 'Gunslinger' from Forsaken and the entire OST from Grasp of Avarice borrow heavily from The Union.


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