Symmetra NEEDS a FULL REWORK! Overwatch 2's WORST Hero!

Blizzard have nerfed Symmetra in Overwatch 2’s latest beta. Symmetra lacks a hero identity. Other heroes are better at close range, other heroes are better at long range… Sym needs to focus her kit, rather than trying to be a jack of all trades. Symmetra needs a full rework, but will Blizzard rework her for the 3rd time?

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37 thoughts on “Symmetra NEEDS a FULL REWORK! Overwatch 2's WORST Hero!”

  1. the problem is symmetra is a chess piece in a game of checkers—THATS her niche, patience is her advantage.

    she isn’t for everyone but I would HATE for her to be reworked into support. they need to make her shields more beefy to support that. she needs a way to gain over-shield based off her damage output!!!!

  2. I think one of her biggest problem is that her identity is to provide mobility to her team, but she herself completely lacks any sort of reliable mobility and what she does provide to her team is way to niche. That's why I'm pushing for these few changes :
    -Symm gets access to a new move that allow her to invert her gravity as she wishes, providing her more vertical mobility. This will work like hammond's ball form where she will still have her two abilities (tp and turrets) and just gain a trait.
    – when activated, her secondary fire (that would be too hard to hit) will become "hard light bridge" where she will create a solid platform out of thin air, that would gradually heal players standing on it. This will use her ammo, the longer the bridge is the more ammo she uses. It vanishes when she uses her primary fire.
    – to compensate for the harder aim, her primary fire will get back to her original leaching beam with shorter range, but to keep her skill, your aim will influence how much the beam does. If the beam would touch, she does max damage, if you're off she does less. Her beam won't leach to oponents outside line of sight and can chain through multiple oponents.

    These change will allow her to keep her playstyle while giving her more of a role in the team. Now she will clearly focus on providing mobility to her team, creating new flank routes while avoiding them to take to much damage and being more mobile herself.

  3. She's a tactical based character. I think if she is draining shields she should supply shield to her team AOE style like Lucio. As support her beams should heal, as assault it's dmg.

  4. i feel like it’s time to get rid of the turrets and give her something that helps her get in/out of danger, or just make the teleporter a viable option for that and give her a completely different ability, that’d go along with more tweaks ofc, honestly the turrets just seem to hold her back cause she can’t be too good at anything since they have to balance her kit with how annoying her turrets are in mind, also all her other stuff looks too good to get rid of lol

  5. Obviously new healers haven’t be released yet, but at this point she has been through various stages of development to the point removing or adding anything is nothing new…

    I say remove her ability to even make damage turrets and give her the ability to produce healing 'drones' that you can situationally place (like Ying from paladins), move her to the support role and make her into a utility character.

    Her teleporter is fun, but with such a concept why can’t she teleport around the map through single walls (for concept of what I mean it would be something similar to Janus from smite)…this will enable her to reach team mates and allow her team (or to balance it maybe just 1 person) to pass through constructibles/ single walls on a map (can be used both offensively and defensively)

    For her ultimate I find that her shield wall is still a viable option but maybe change It so that it’s smaller but can be tackily moved forward. This is so that it can be used to push points and not just be a static wall that can be easily countered by walking through it

    Or another concept could build on her healing side of things and maybe make her produce a massive light garden that heals everyone in the area of effect

    Or she can insta teleport her team (have a charge up time and notification of landing) across the map allowing her to strategically place her team in a fight

    (Her ultimate literally could be anything, as long as it’s not a massive static wall that does absolutely nothing for the game)

    Although this kit sounds like a complete mess, it gives her the option to heal, navigate and utilise her team and makes her character more fun to play and actually useful in this new 5v5 world

  6. my idea for Sym, would be for her turrets to be able to float around her, giving her a passive damage effect. function the same as they do now as far as damage and slow effect, but they orbit or hover around her, and they stay targetable and destroyable like they already are and like baps immortality field.

    or if you make her a support, have them grant a passive shield buff, like a discount zary bubble to up to 3 (or however many turrets she gets) to allies within range of her. prevent some damage until the bubble breaks and it takes like 2-3 seconds for the turret to "recover" and reapply the bubble.

  7. It’s weird how they have a character that can make anything out of light, just with the lore she could be reworked into any role with just a bit of creativity but they still struggle to even fit her into anything…

  8. As a sym player, it’s been really annoying having sym get changed so much. Her best era was when she had the projected barrier. If I had to rework her, it would go like this.
    Projected barrier would replace teleporter. (Team play with tel is almost impossible without communication and not impactful with individual use).
    Her photon projector build charge faster on barriers but not replenish ammo.

    Turrets: normal click deploys turrets as normal – when holding down the button for turrets, it’ll initiate a follow mode instead. The turrets will float around Sym and will also attack what she attacks until destroyed or replaced.
    And yes, your follow turrets will continue shooting if you hold fire down and you CAN look away and fire in a different direction.

    Alternate fire is the same.
    Ultimate – produces a 150 hp barrier in front of all living teammates and a follow turret until destroyed or time runs out (10s)

  9. i have so many things to say about sym but playing her in ow2 my main issues are she’s too slow, turret set up time, tp set up time, primary and secondary fire charge up time.. it’s too much. i have to play sym with 10x more effort than other dmg heroes like torb for example to get half the output.. another issue is her abilities just don’t fit her role. tp and photon barrier do no dmg. i think especially her ult being a no dmg, support-like ability means she loses out on a lot of damage potential.

  10. I would love if they tried to make her a utility support. With 5v5, I feel like their is room for supports that don't need to focus on healing.

    She would be the perfect support Hero to give debuffs for the enemy team to counter things such as speed boost.
    I think a cool ability idea would be a hard light barrier that slows enemies that walk through it and reduces damage that goes through it. That could be a really cool supportive ability.
    I would love if they gave her a soft lock on beam with shorter range but higher close range lethality.

  11. I think Blizzard have no idea how to make her a DPS. They need to just bring her back to support. She has a lot of potential to be such an insanely creative character.

  12. Teleporter: a support ability
    Photon Barrier: a support ultimate
    replace her turrets, get rid of them and give her the ability to heal her team
    Id love to see her give like a regen but bring back the "shield" of when she uses her heal it gives an ally like 20% damage reduction.

    Blizzard took her away from support players because DPS players went "we dont like a support who doesn't heal" and they tried to keep her feel but she is a terrible dps, from range the support passive kicks in before symm charges and fires her orb, if a mercy can 1v1 a symm from range it is horrible kit design.

    symm has always been my favourite character and blizzard keep kicking her whilst she is down.

  13. Would make her a support. Her primary fire would be able to change with the switch weapon key between her current primary and secondary fire. Her new secondary would be like her old giving shield ability, she gives and ally overhealth that doesn’t go beyond the max HP of the hero but it’s instant Overhealth, it’s like a way to save a weak ally very quickly. Her turrets could heal and her teleported should be more fluent. And I think her ult if fine as a support ult.

  14. I actually have an idea for her rework.

    She now uses the mechanical as a weapon, with her other arm to act as a stylus.

    She still has her Sentry Turrets but have 5 charges, low health, and deals low damage, but they slow enemies and mark them. Marked enemies are visible to Symmetra and her primary or secondary can deal more damage to those with the marks. With the latter allowing an increased splash damage.

    – Her teleporter is changed to something else. I'm stuck as to what, as I have three ideas for it. Either a camouflage wall that camo her and her turrets or her allies. Or a reflective wall that reflects enemy damage off. Or an ability mix of Mei's wall and Sigma's shield that can either act as a wall or a platform. She can even move it up or forward, by firing it with her primary or down with her secondary.

    – I'm also stuck with her Ultimate, but I like the idea of it linking to True Order. She unleashes an orb or a cube that entraps enemies in an area, in this field, her enemies are automatically marked and slowed. They can't escape until the end of the duration of the field. Her allies can pass through. Enemy's attacks cannot pass through.

  15. Symm is "confusing" at best but she is far from the worst hero in the game, yeah she doesn't replace some more important heros like ash and solider depending on your comp, but also ash does provide a quick way into the map like her, she always been niche imo, but again far from the worst, that seat is for mei and junk my man XD

  16. I thought of her as a support hero in which she can use her turrets for healing or for damage. They could also make it so her alternate fire can provide a small shield when hitting friendlies. Almost like it wraps the geometry around the hero giving them a slight shield while also passing thru them, doing damage (Think Lux barrier from LoL, but it does damage and doesn't boomerang). I also think they need to bring back her self-tracking beam with the new effects added.

    Her turrets can allow her to press a button to shift between different modes. She can press shift once she brings out a turret (the turret wont be insta-cast, she can walk with the "crafting turret out of light" effect. Kind of like how Mei walks around with ice wall.) One effect shows her using a yellow light to spawn heal turrets and the other shows blue light for damage version. Maybe she has 6 turrets available, like the old days. She can choose between 6 DMG turrets (with nominal slowing), 6 healing turrets (maybe heals like 3-5dmg a second per turret), 3 healing, 3 dmg, 2 dmg, 4 healing, many different possibilities.

    Her TP should give allies shields (30-35). And her secondary fire can act like Ana's primary where it can both shield and damage. (Although Ana heals). Using secondary fire will slap a shield on the ally its used on, anywhere between maybe 5 and 30-35 HP depending on how charged it is. This can only stack up to a certain amount, that being 35-35, so the max amount of shields a single teammate has is around 60-80. Going thru the TP applies a slight cooldown to abstaining shields from the TP, so that you cant spam back and forth and constantly get a shield.

    She can also keep her ult, but maybe it slightly heals like the payload does. She will be able to build lots of turrets, send them flying to heal teammates while choosing between DMG options, apply shields and verticality thru TP. She will act sort of like a Moira where she can either do AOE healing, or go into a fight with tp and DMG turrets. Unlike Moira however, sym can more easily hold down a specific point or allow teammates to stay on highground as they will constantly be getting healed by her turrets for a certain amount of time. This will force people to dive the individual to get rid of the turrets. This will incentivize playing Winston,, or Ball. Also anyone with aoe DMG abilities which can easily make short work of the turrets.

  17. Return her beam to her original form. It will lock on enemies and deadly from up close. Instead of her teleport, give her the ability like the game Splitgate. Let her make portals that the team can travel thru instead of the teleporter. That would be so much cooler. I used to play her a lot but Blizzard keeps trying to bury her.

  18. Sym is in my top 2
    I agree the slow turrets kinda needa go.
    But nerfing the teleporter is a big mistake, that's her coolest ability and has crazy utility. People that build it out of spawn have no idea what they're doing.
    Also speeding her balls is a copout, it's a feature, they do tons of damage, and with teleporter you can charge them, boop in to nuke and boop back out repeatedly.
    Sym is quite niche in attack or payload maps, but on control maps she really excels. She can keep a place locked down.

    I don't think she needs to change all that much, she's better than a Reaper who has been outperformed by Cass and Hanzo for years. Sym at least has her niche.
    So we really need a more holistic approach for her I think.

  19. I don't usually comment on this things, but I do got to throw my two cents on this one. I feel like the only time I've ever seen Symmetra being relevant was in a Experimental Patch done by ML7 where he made her a support, with her turret healing istead of doing damage, create a different type of right click for her and she's good to go.
    Since she is the only dps that has a defensive ultimate I think this would be a great time to bring her back to the support category. The people who play support would get a "new" support, people who tilt everytime they see a Symmetra dps would cease to exist(Even tho there are people who are good at her), Tanks would not be terrifed whether she is good or not and Blizzard would finally rest in this situation, It's a win win for everybody.


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