Music for World Peace Amid War – Cover of One Day by Matisyahu by Anna Choi #peace #healing

World peace starts with inner peace. For those dealing with feeling pain for what’s happening in wars right now, here’s a song tribute of peace.

Now more than ever, we can use the universal language of music to heal, soothe your soul, and stay in a high vibration to support those in need.

My heart goes out to those suffering and in pain for what’s happening in Israel, Ukraine, and many other places that don’t get even mentioned in the news…

On Feb 14, 2018, performance artist Koolulam invited 3,000 people to sing the peace song “One Day” by Matiyashu who had never met before to sing in Haifa, in 3 languages, celebrating coexistence in collaboration with the Beit HaGefen, The Haifa Municipality, and the Port of Haifa.

It took an hour to learn the parts. Here’s what got created in this symphony of choruses of all cultures, Israelis, Palestinians, “enemies” all standing side by side.

The lyrics are beautiful. PLEASE WATCH TO SOOTH YOUR SOUL, GIVE HOPE, AND STAND FOR WORLD PEACE. I’ll put a link in the chat.

The cycle of war will continue to be endless until there is inner peace that does not need to be played out against others for future generations.

May be catalyze a new era of humanity and stay strong in a vision of what IS possible. We must stand together in a higher consciousness.

Comment below: What do you stand for? How does your business manage or provide peace where there is war?

#worldpeace #peace #music #healing
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👉 TEDx talk 2: Shift from Burnout to Brilliance:
👉 Sneak Peak of 40 Days to Aliveness:
👉 TEDx talk 1: Finding Peace in Times of Chaos:

About: Anna S. Choi trains high achieving, conscious entrepreneurs to feel 10x more energy to grow their business in flow so they can feel more inner joy, peace, and aliveness. She is the Founder of SolJoy, Performance Artist, 2x TEDx Speaker, and Forbes Author.

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