The match that finally broke me. | Dead by Daylight

This video features a regrettable match showcasing how difficult it is to keep up with medkits as a Killer without a strong chase power. This match (and the ones leading to it) eventually made me break the tradition of not using add-ons on my streaks and challenges.

0:00 Intro & Context
2:57 Dredge Match

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27 thoughts on “The match that finally broke me. | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I appreciate the kind words (and reasonable venting) but please don't use this comment section to just be rude to other people. I've seen baffling comments that have nothing to do with the subject of the video and I don't want to encourage and endless cycle of negativity. Thank you!

  2. The first down was 4 minutes into the game, at which point there was 1 gen left. Medkits did not play a part in the early loss. Without medkits the snowball at the end would have happened much earlier, even with the multiple mistakes the killer made.

    The good news is that it appears MMR is working, it was a challenging match and they came out with a tie. This accomplishment was done while not using addons, which indicates that even with all of the medkits, the game was even. If the game has an even outcome, despite the medkits and the lack of addons, that shows survivors need to bring everything they have to break even. Meanwhile the killer can bring no addons, and questionable perks to break even.

  3. No offense but not using addons has never been a smart idea. Addons are basically a modular part of a killer kit, the devs have shown countless times that they balance and design killers with addons in mind and after all, why wouldn't they? There is zero restriction on the addons you can use just like there is none for survivors. Addons should always be included when debating about a killer's strength and potential.

  4. Yeah after experiencing awful games on my Sadako streak I had to bring old newspaper. It was just awful, so many medkits and styptics…. considering item economy is cheaper it only seems reasonable for streaks to include addons (possibly up to green though now).

  5. You're not broken, Otz. This game just weighs on people sometimes, you know this. There are so many variables in every single match and there's no such thing as luck but you always try to do your best and that's what your viewers appreciate.

  6. Honest question from a relative newbie (just over 100 hours). At one point you had one dead on hook and downed but left them to chase another. I freely admit I am a rank amateur but I don't understand why you wouldn't hook them, get the kill and improve your odds?

  7. I honestly had to quit this game because of just how frustrating it is to play. BHVR literally have the worst record ever as devs at balancing things like just look at dbd’ life cycle and any other rational thinking person is gonna think “wtf how is this fair”. I swear I had to quit this game for the sake of my own sanity

  8. Maybe the best compromise is to start a new killer run without add-ons, and slowly add and upgrade the quality of them until you find a reasonable balance where the killer no longer feels powerless.

    As for getting tilted in a game, it just goes to show you are human like anyone else. Everyone has their breaking point and you reached it. You are normal very chill in game, so no need to apologize for this rare break from the norm.

  9. This is the type of match that wouldve made me quit dbd for another year or something like that. Otz’s patience of so impressive, to have mutiple matches like these and still keep going

  10. I did that initially with certain killers. I find it impossible to play without some sort of addon in many games. Especially since my win rate increased and I went up a lot in mmr it’s just about impossible

  11. I haven't watched the video so idk if this is related but still imma complain 🤷‍♀️ I had a trickster match on Gideon meat plant and didn't do well. My bad I'm really not good with running loops and I dropped a lot of chase. Anyways it lasted a while, I had kind of a three gen? Not really so I just kept going back to it. They had boons so they took the opportunity to heal everytime. And the claudie had insta heal and I think there was more medkits. I got like 4 hooks and I didn't camp or tunnel I just wanted to move onto next match 🤷‍♀️ but they refused to open the door and just followed me around while I was breaking walls. Well, I got like 3or 4 more hooks off of them and at the end I had one on a hook near the exit and there was still 2 other survivors in the game. Well, I had no blades so yeah they all got out w bt and body blocking and they all start furiously tbagging like.. 😭 Ok but why u tbagging me when you chose to drag the game on. 💀😭 It didn't make any sense bru, anyways I gg wp them and moved on.. Survivors r weird bruh

  12. I have not played this killer, but the med kit was only a problem at the end. He kinda just chased the same dude far longer then he should have I mean they got like 4 generators while he chased a guy I dont even think he hit.

  13. Otz I definitely agree with your medkit take, but also I feel this game showcases perfectly how important it is to have either good early game perks or perks that allow chase focused regression like deadlock, sloppy butcher, eruption – perks that allow you to stay in chase WHILE slowing down the game.

    Third seal allowed you to slug and pentimento gave you a bit of a slowdown, but it all came in the end game – IMO you should try this build – Hex Blood Favor, Undying, Deadlock, Eruption.

    Blood Favor allows you to most likely get a good start to the game with an early down and tons of chase pressure if it stays up longer, Undying gives you a back up incase it goes down quickly, while both Deadlock and Eruption allow you to focus on chases more.

    If medkits are being a huge issue, have you considered using a perk to deal with them? I mean it's not like undying did anything that game and jolt didn't do much either – why not switch them for franklins demise? sloppy butcher? heck you would be surprised how effective even overwhelming presence can be at times if they heal MID chase or are around your terror radius.

    Just suggestions, you are an incredible player and I agree with your thoughts this game – I'm just suggesting other methods you could try, love you.


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