Most Insane Game Show Moments

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28 thoughts on “Most Insane Game Show Moments”

  1. Hey, this is my first time watching this channel, and while your voice is incredible I have to say the method of presentation you choose is just terrible. You sound like you're reading the script for the very first time, you have little knowledge of what you're talking about (what host doesn't do their research?) and the constant interjections and tangents you go on make the video incredibly difficult to follow. At one point, you say you didn't pay attention to the last sentence you said. So then why should your audience pay attention? Your style reminds me of Fact Fiend with Karl Smallwood, except he does his research and knows how to stay on track.

    Clearly you're successful anyway, so maybe this criticism will go over your head, but I felt it you needed to hear it.

  2. For pity's sake, bring back Danny. The only thing keeping me here is Simon and his digressions–and I've watched all of his shows from the beginning of each channel–even the ones who've disappeared.
    Is Danny gone?

  3. Damn. Pour one out for the Shat's game show career. Boston Legal was indeed a great show though. There is some great unexpected Jeopardy footage, like when Wolf Blitzer got absolutely demolished.

    Brain Blaze — equal parts sarcasm, genuine concern, apathy, admiration, sick burns, confusion, and hard solid facts. Shaken AND stirred.

  4. About the Israel one, not all stereotypes are negative on the nose but often they can be as hurtful. Take "Asians are good at math(s)", not negative, it's not a slight, that is unless you are of Asian descent and struggle badly at math.

    The dr thing could be taken wrong due to money. The bad stereotypes with Jewish people is always about money, and since drs are highly paid it can and will go negative really quickly. It's a damn shame too, cause the wrong sort will ruin even the best accomplishments if given the chance

  5. Life was a lot of fun before political correctness. Monty Python, Fawlty Towers, All In The Family, etc…. I don’t know when people lost their sense of humour or just basic common sense, being able to understand what is a joke and what is an insult. Don’t even think of using sarcasm, because you might be charged with a hate crime. I hope PC is just a fad like disco. The sooner it’s over the better life will be. PC people need to get a life instead of dictating how to run our lives. Game shows since the dawn of their inception have been very funny at times but no more. What’s next? Prison time for hurting someone’s feelings because they took a joke they were told and took it personally? Without game shows that were hilarious, the world, or parts of it, would be a very dull place without humour and laughter. PC people are dull. And Simon? Brain Blaze is hilarious, even with the long winded intro’s that have your viewers, myself included, sometimes wanting to yell, get to the bloody point and the topic. Tighten the leash on Danny and Kevin, or are they the same person? Split personality?

  6. Richard Dawson was lucky the Me Too movement wasn’t around back then because he would always give the female contestants a kiss on the cheek without their permission. If he did that today he would be in a lot of trouble. But, the lady contestants actually liked it, it gave them bragging rights to tell their friends they were kissed by Richard Dawson. Some ladies took it up a notch by grabbing him and tried to slip him the tongue. It was hilarious.

  7. Geezus Simon, he lost all his points*, they *reset the scores to zero*, he said, *his score is still on there! Because he had no points, and still has no points. This is what happens when Simon doesn't get enough sleep!


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