Moscow terror suspect is brought unconscious to crime scene for further interrogation

A suspect in the Moscow concert hall terror attack was seen being taken unconscious to an apartment where the atrocity was allegedly planned by Russian police. Muhammadsobir Fayzov, 19, had to be helped from a police van into a hospital chair. He appeared unresponsive as he was wheeled inside for further interrogation. It comes after all four suspects were brought to court bloodied and bruised this week. One was also unconscious and had to be wheeled into the dock in a chair. Russian police have made a show of brutalising the prisoners, after apparently ignoring a US warning about the terror attack which has hurt Putin’s reputation. The Russian despot is now trying to link the attack back to Ukraine, despite having no evidence to suggest Kyiv’s involvement and ISIS-K admitting carrying it out. #russia #ukraine #war

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Moscow terror suspect is brought unconscious to crime scene for further interrogation
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23 thoughts on “Moscow terror suspect is brought unconscious to crime scene for further interrogation”

  1. Just popped in to say Ill never support ben again. and all american jews have shown their true colors and hatred towards christians on social media. I dont hate my enemies but i will never support you again rather i will pray you find the one true messiah emmanuel while he may yet be found. I understand you know not what you do.

  2. Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (for the period from March 23 to March 30, 2024)In the Donetsk direction

    Formations of six assault, two airmobile, tank and nine mechanized brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were defeated in the areas of the settlements of Belogorovka of the Luhansk People's Republic, Kleshcheyevka, Kurdyumovka, Andreevka, Maksimilianovka, Novomikhailovka, Paraskovievka, Disputable and Chas Yar of the Donetsk People's Republic.

    In addition, 12 counterattacks of the assault groups of the 67th mechanized and 80th airborne assault brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were repelled in the areas of the settlements of Bogdanovka and Krasnogorovka of the Donetsk People's Republic.

    The enemy lost more than 2,360 soldiers, 5 tanks, 16 armored combat vehicles, 61 vehicles, as well as 23 field artillery pieces, 11 of which were made abroad.

  3. Hey everyone, just take the word of the american press that the us allegedly warned russia about this attack prior to it happening. Not that it glorifies the us while simultaneously undermining russia, its the western media. Why would they lie

  4. what kind of justice system is this? if your going to sentence him to death cool ok I get it but this level of brutality before they get to court I mean what's the point save tax payers time and money and become judge jury and executioner, your actually look worser or equal to the attackers now, I see why the world hates russia wheeling a man unconscious and barely hanging on to life to court?

  5. HEADLINE: Russia: US shares blame in a concert hall attack claimed by Islamic militants

    THEY WERE WARNED. Not our fault if they're too arrogant to pay attention.
    That's on THEIR HANDS, which are already dripping with Ukrainian blood.

    PLEASE NOTE: The so-called terrorists are all from former Soviet 'slave nations' and said they were paid. They may have been paid by someone 'back home' or in Moscow, who TOLD THEM they were working for IS. BTW – ANYONE can call up a radio station, and claim to be a splinter group of the IS. They seem to have believed that they could waltz in/out with impunity and were on their way to the closest border when caught. Gee, like someone was TOLD which direction they were going?

    I call them 'patsies'. They were used.

    I firmly believe this is another one of PUTZIN's false flag ops, intended to give him a pretext for escalating the war on Ukraine. He's running out of tanks, planes, and ships… and wants to use everything he's got on a last-chance BLITZ to break down Ukraine and win. Otherwise, the Ukrainian border guards and air defense (including very nifty and lethal new drones) will winnow down his materiel and manpower to ZILCH. AND HE WILL LOSE.

    Ukraine had no hand in that.
    The US did what could be done to WARN them (which is part of being a CIVILIZED nation) without giving away exactly HOW we learned of it. I think the fact that they WERE warned and did NOTHING about it goes to show that the Russian regime DID, IN FACT, arrange the incident in order to capitalize on the deaths of THEIR OWN CIVILIANS to facilitate PUTZIN's desperate play for a major PR coup and his expected 'mandate' to wreak further hell on Ukraine.

    I hope the Russian people hold him to account for it, whenever they get their brains and b*lls back.


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