More Starfield Factions Revealed

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27 thoughts on “More Starfield Factions Revealed”

  1. I’m glad that there are a bunch of factions but I’m worried that they’ll have no cross overs with each other since you’ll be able to join most of not all faction on your first play through like Todd said (I think it was Todd)

  2. Thank you for the video! Do you have to join a faction? What if I just want to settle on a luscious moon somewhere and farm, and fish, and occasionally murder the odd traveller? At least for a little while.

  3. The more we compare Starfield (and even Skyrim for that matter) to fallout… We realize just how basic fallout 4 was. It seems like they pushed out that game without implementing a lot of things they maybe wanted to do. Excited for Starfield and eventually fallout 5

  4. I think its good they are showing loads of factions and I hope their are a load more that we can either join to a point or simply interact with. Think back to the Regulators of FO3, Explorer's/ theives guild of oblivion. These factions are optional and really can be left alone if you wanted to. I managed to completly miss the Covenant settlement in FO4 simply because I never went there in my first playthrough, so missing or not noticing factions in a whole bunch of star systems is certainly do-able.

    I don't have a favourite faction yet but I sometimes try play games without joining a faction just to see what can happen (quite tough but cool at times)

    Great vid; 26 days until launch, 21 days for the early access people 😃

  5. Vanguard sounds like the Brotherhood Of Steel all over again. Actually a lot of these factions seem like they’re repackaged versions of fallout factions. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, I’m just saying…

  6. I wouldn’t be worried about what factions that are in the game, the biggest thing to worry about is that you’re only getting the basic game on day one release, not the full game. I would be very concerned about just how many Star systems are actually going to be included on day one for your money versus what is coming after they get more of everyone’s money later on.

  7. Bethesda did factions best with Morrowind. There may have been no big battle to conclude the struggle between Redoran, Telvani, hluuluu, and the blades but it was fun building up rep. With factions that fit your build and going from say collecting 5 mushrooms to helping Telvani assassinate a hluuluu official in vivec.

  8. Will we be able to join multiple factions at once, or eventually join 1 and do all the side missions with that faction and then join another, so we can knock out more if not all of the side stories the game has to offer…i do understand that some of these factions are enemies of others tho

  9. you my good sir nead to watch "the EXPANCE" tv show(based on the expanse book series) as starfield seems to take a lot of inspiration from such as the term spacer which means an independent crew out to make a profit

    also stargate SG1 has some inspiration constellation feel like a alot like the old SG1 just race or gender swapped around

  10. Why is there so much hate for this game?? And why do all the haters all same the same thing and call people that are excited for the game coherent sheep? I’m so lost with all the weirdness of a game that’s not even out. Like Ight imma play Skyrim until this game is out


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