Do PANTS make good armor? #armor #fight #martialarts #sword #nerd #duel #knife #jeans


36 thoughts on “Do PANTS make good armor? #armor #fight #martialarts #sword #nerd #duel #knife #jeans”

  1. I call bullshit, if you block with your arm like that you will be pushing TOWARDS the blow not away, meaning the super cheap knife would be able to get though easy, at most you can stop one or two blows

  2. Once as a kid I was fooling around on one of those railings along a highway, fell down and hit my shin on a sharp edge of the railing. My jeans were unaffected but the skin underneath got cut pretty deep.
    This might have the same effect as taking a sword cut to the arm with a denim shield. Dunno just a thought

  3. I want to point out that your dummy gave way almost every single time you hit it.

    If you were to wrap this cloth around your arm in order to protect yourself from bladed weapons, then you're going to make sure that your hand does not give way, because behind it is your body.

  4. layers of padded cloth was used as an armor in the dark ages. look up the gambeson. it was one of the most common armors throughout the midieval period. it was rather effective.

  5. Don’t get me wrong this was a cool demonstration, but I’d be interested to try it against something that doesn’t move when you hit it. A bunch of the energy from the blade is dissipated when the stand falls over. I’d be interested to see how many blades the jeans could stop when wrapped around an immovable object so that the entire force of the blade is allowed to cut

  6. This is a tactic used in street fights a lot. If the other guy pulls a knife, rip off your jumper/jacket and use that. hence why i always wear a denim vest over my other jackets, and why I always carry a balisong (very illegal BTW, but until I get my monkeys fist jig setup it's what I'm stuck with).
    A good rule of thumb is not to try use the jeans you're wearing as well-they'd serve you better protecting the legs, and pants are far slower to doff and Don than a denim jacket or vest.


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